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Novel Foodborne Disease Associated with Consumption of Raw Fish, Olive Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus)

机译:与食用生鱼,比目鱼有关的新型食源性疾病( Paralichthys olivaceus



An unidentified foodborne disease associated with the consumption of raw fresh fish was noticed from 1999 in the West of Japan. In 2010, a novel multivalvulid parasite, Kudoa septempunctata (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) was discovered as being the causative agent of this disease and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan (MHLW) named this disease “Kudoa food poisoning”. Kudoa septempunctata is a myxosporean with 6–7 polar capsules and shell valves in a spore. The life-cycle of K. septempunctata has not been elucidated yet. However, it probably involves an alternative invertebrate host such as polychaetes without direct transmission between fish. An epidemiological study elucidated that the main symptoms of “Kudoa food poisoning” are transient vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and vomiting due to gastrointestinal mucosal disruption, most of which could be recovered within 24?h. The threshold for the onset of symptoms is estimated at about 7.2 × 10~(7)K. septempunctata spores per person based on an epidemiological calculation of a large-scale outbreak that occurred at Ehime prefecture. In a toxicological study, oral administration of 1 × 10~(7) spore/g live K. septempunctata induced the acute accumulation of fluid in the gut of suckling mice and vomiting in house musk shrews (Suncus murinus ). K. septempunctata decreased transepithelial resistance in a cultured human intestinal cell monolayer, resulting in a rapid increase of permeability. These pathogenic actions of viable Kudoa spores elicit symptoms in human patients. Regarding analytical methods, PCR amplification of species-specific genes and microscopic observation of characteristic spores are the best methods of choice for characterizing this parasite. To prevent the disease, heating at 95?°C for 10?min or freezing at ?80?°C overnight is effective while a recent study demonstrated that liquid freezing is a more practical method. Fundamentally, the biological study of K. septempunctata including its life-cycle, alternative and invertebrate hosts is necessary for eradicating them. Realistically, monitoring of domestic flounder in farm and imported one in the quarantine should be useful. From the available literature, K. septempunctata appears to be a unique parasitic agent that induces foodborne diseases by invading the human intestinal mucosa but does not persist long enough in the tissue for further growth, eliciting a temporal increase in mucosal permeability. Further investigations are needed to elucidate the interactions between this myxosporean parasite and human tissue.
机译:从1999年开始,在日本西部发现了一种与食用生鲜鱼有关的不明原因的食源性疾病。 2010年,一种新型的多瓣寄生虫被称为该病的致病菌,并且被日本厚生劳动省(MHLW)命名为“工藤食物中毒”。 。 Kudoa septempunctata是一种粘孢子虫,在孢子中有6–7个极地荚膜和壳瓣。 K的生命周期。 septempunctata尚未阐明。但是,它可能牵涉到另一种无脊椎动物宿主,例如多毛cha,而不会在鱼之间直接传播。一项流行病学研究表明,“工藤食物中毒”的主要症状是短暂性呕吐,腹泻,腹痛和胃肠道粘膜破坏引起的呕吐,大多数症状可在24小时内恢复。症状发作的阈值估计约为7.2×10〜(7)K。根据爱媛县发生的大规模疫情的流行病学计算,得出每人的septempunctata孢子。在毒理学研究中,口服施用1×10〜(7)孢子/克活K。 septempunctata引起乳鼠肠道内积液的急性积累,并在室内麝香sh中呕吐( Suncus murinus)。 K。 septempunctata降低了培养的人肠道细胞单层的跨上皮抵抗力,导致通透性迅速增加。活的库多孢子孢子的这些致病作用在人类患者中引起症状。关于分析方法,物种特异基因的PCR扩增和特征孢子的显微镜观察是表征该寄生虫的最佳选择方法。为了预防这种疾病,在95°C加热10分钟或在80°C冷冻过夜是有效的,而最近的一项研究表明,液体冷冻是一种更实用的方法。从根本上讲,钾的生物学研究。 septempunctata,包括其生命周期,替代和无脊椎动物宿主,对于根除它们是必不可少的。实际上,对农场中的国内比目鱼和隔离区中的进口比目鱼进行监测应该是有用的。根据现有文献, K。 septempunctata似乎是一种独特的寄生虫剂,可通过侵袭人类肠道粘膜而诱发食源性疾病,但在组织中的持续时间不足以进一步生长,从而导致粘膜通透性暂时升高。需要进一步的研究来阐明这种粘孢子虫寄生虫与人体组织之间的相互作用。



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