首页> 外文期刊>Folia parasitologica >Two new species of Halysioncum Caira, Marques, Jensen, Kuchta et Ivanov, 2013 (Cestoda, Diphyllidea) from Indo-Pacific rays of the genus Aetomylaeus Garman (Myliobatiformes, Myliobatidae)

Two new species of Halysioncum Caira, Marques, Jensen, Kuchta et Ivanov, 2013 (Cestoda, Diphyllidea) from Indo-Pacific rays of the genus Aetomylaeus Garman (Myliobatiformes, Myliobatidae)

机译:臭A科的两个新物种,马克斯,詹森,库奇塔和伊凡诺夫,2013年(科斯塔达,双壳纲),来自印度小球藻(Aetomylaeus Garman)属的印度太平洋射线(Myliobatiformes,Myliobatidae)



Abstract: Recent collections of cestode parasites from two species of the myliobatid genus Aetomylaeus Garman from several localities in the Pacific Ocean resulted in the discovery of two new species of Halysioncum Caira, Marques, Jensen, Kuchta et Ivanov, 2013. Halysioncum gibsoni sp. n. from Aetomylaeus maculatus (Gray) in the South China Sea off Borneo differs from all of its congeners in having the following combination of characters: 27 apical hooks (14 type A and 13 type B hooks), 11-12 lateral hooklets, 22-28 spines per column on the cephalic peduncle, testes distributed in a single column and an internal seminal vesicle. Halysioncum arafurense sp. n., recovered from Aetomylaeus cf. nichofii 2 (sensu Naylor et al. 2012b) in the Arafura Sea off the Wessel Islands, Northern Territory, Australia, can be distinguished from its congeners based on the following combination of characters: 23 apical hooks (12 type A and 11 type B hooks), the number of lateral hooklets (9-11), the number of spines per column on the cephalic peduncle (20-24), the number and distribution of the testes (13-15 testes in two irregular columns), and the distribution of vitelline follicles (interrupted dorsally at the level of the ovarian lobes). Both species represent the first verified records of diphyllideans from eagle rays of the genus Aetomylaeus and formally extend the host associations of diphyllideans to include a third genus of Myliobatiformes. The myliobatiforms are indeed an understudied group of available hosts for diphyllideans and represent interesting target hosts if the diversity of diphyllidean tapeworms is to be fully estimated and understood.
机译:摘要:最近从太平洋几个地方的两种异蝙蝠科Aetomylaeus Garman的甲壳虫寄生虫中发现了Halysioncum Caira的两个新种,Marques,Jensen,Kuchta et Ivanov,2013年。 。来自婆罗洲南海海域的Aetomylaeus maculatus(灰色),不同于所有同类动物,具有以下特征的组合:27个顶端钩(14个A型钩和13个B型钩),11-12个侧钩,22-28个头状花序梗每列刺,睾丸分布在单列和内部精囊中。 Halysioncum arafurense sp。 n。,从Aetomylaeus回收。根据以下字符组合,可以将澳大利亚北领地韦塞尔群岛外的阿拉法拉海的nichofii 2(sensu Naylor等人2012b)与同类动物区分开:23个尖钩(12个A型钩和11个B型钩)钩),侧钩的数量(9-11),头状花序梗的每列刺数(20-24),睾丸的数量和分布(两不规则列中的睾丸数13-15)以及卵黄卵泡的分布(在卵巢小叶水平背侧中断)。这两个物种都代表了首次验证的双孢杆菌属的来源是埃特穆拉斯属的鹰,并且正式扩展了双孢杆菌属的宿主关联,从而包括了第三个伞形纲。如果要充分估计和理解双叶螨tape虫的多样性,则近蚜形目确实是对双叶螨的可用宿主的研究不足的群体,并且代表了有趣的靶宿主。



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