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Wildfires Alter Rodent Community Structure Across Four Vegetation Types in Southern California, USA




We surveyed burned and unburned plots across four habitat reserves in San Diego County, California, USA, in 2005 and 2006, to assess the effects of the 2003 wildfires on the community structure and relative abundance of rodent species. The reserves each contained multiple vegetation types (coastal sage scrub, chaparral, woodland, and grassland) and spanned from 250 m to 1078 m in elevation. Multivariate analyses revealed a more simplified rodent community structure in all burned habitats in comparison to unburned habitats. Reduction in shrub and tree cover was highly predictive of changes in post-fire rodent community structure in the burned coastal sage scrub and chaparral habitats. Reduction in cover was not predictive for the less substantially burned woodlands and grasslands, for which we hypothesized that interspecific competition played a greater role in post-fire community structure. Across vegetation types, generalists and open habitat specialists typically increased in relative abundance, whereas closed habitat specialists decreased. We documented significant increases in relative abundance of the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus Wagner) and Dulzura kangaroo rat (Dipodomys simulans Merriam). In contrast, we found significant decreases in relative abundance for the California mouse (Peromyscus californicus Gambel), San Diego pocket mouse (Chaetodipus fallax Merriam), desert woodrat (Neotoma lepida Thomas), and brush mouse (Peromyscus boylii Baird). Currently, our research program involves assessment of whether habitat conservation plans (HCPs) in southern California provide long-term protection to HCP covered species, as well as preserve ecosystem function. The scenario of increased wildfires needs to be incorporated into this assessment. We discuss our results in relation to management and conservation planning under a future scenario of larger and more frequent wildfires in southern California.
机译:我们在2005年和2006年对美国加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥县的四个栖息地保护区的燃烧和未燃烧土地进行了调查,以评估2003年野火对啮齿动物物种的群落结构和相对丰度的影响。每个保护区都包含多种植被类型(沿海鼠尾草灌木丛,丛林,林地和草原),海拔范围从250 m至1078 m。多变量分析显示,与未燃烧的生境相比,所有燃烧的生境中的啮齿动物群落结构更加简化。减少灌木和树木的覆盖率,可以很好地预测被烧毁的沿海鼠尾草灌木丛和丛林生境中火后啮齿类动物群落结构的变化。对于较少烧毁的林地和草地,覆盖率的降低并不能预见,为此,我们假设种间竞争在火灾后的群落结构中起着更大的作用。在各种植被类型中,通才和开放式生境专家的相对丰度通常会增加,而封闭式生境专家则有所减少。我们记录了鹿小鼠(Peromyscus maniculatus Wagner)和Dulzura袋鼠(Dipodomys simulans Merriam)的相对丰度的显着增加。相反,我们发现加利福尼亚小鼠(Peromyscus californicus Gambel),圣地亚哥袖珍小鼠(Chaetodipus fallax Merriam),沙漠伍德拉特(Neotoma lepida Thomas)和毛刷小鼠(Peromyscus boylii Baird)的相对丰度显着降低。当前,我们的研究计划包括评估加利福尼亚南部的栖息地保护计划(HCP)是否为HCP覆盖的物种提供长期保护,以及维护生态系统功能。需要将野火加剧的情况纳入该评估。我们讨论了在加利福尼亚南部地区发生更大和更频繁的野火的未来情况下与管理和保护规划相关的结果。



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