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Evolution of Earth's climatic system: Evidence from ice ages, isotopes, and impacts




Multiple glaciations took place near the beginning and end of the Proterozoic Eon. Neoproterozoic (Cryogenian) glacial deposits are more widespread than those of older (Paleoproterozoic) glacial episodes. Paleomagnetic results suggest that most Proterozoic glaciogenic rocks were deposited at low paleolatitudes. Some contain enigmatic evidence of strong seasonal temperature variations, and many formed at sea level. These attributes inspired both the snowball Earth hypothesis and the high obliquity theory, but only the latter explains strong seasonality at low latitudes. The Proterozoic glaciations may have been triggered by drawdown of atmospheric CO2 during enhanced weathering of elevated supercontinents. Multiple glaciations resulted from a negative feedback loop in the weathering system that ended when the supercontinent broke apart. A radical reorganization of the climatic system took place in the Ediacaran Period. In contrast to previous glaciations, these ice sheets developed in high latitudes and many follow mountain building episodes. During the Ediacaran Period, Earth’s climatic zonation and controls appear to have undergone a radical change that persisted throughout the Phanerozoic Eon. The change may coincide with the world’s greatest negative δ13C excursion, the Shuram event, here interpreted as the result of a very large marine impact that decreased the obliquity of the ecliptic, causing the Earth’s climatic system to adopt its present configuration. Attendant unprecedented environmental reorganization may have played a crucial role in the emergence of complex life forms.
机译:在元古代Eon的开始和结束附近发生了多次冰川。新元古代(冰河纪)的冰川沉积物比年龄较大(古轮生界)的冰川沉积更为广泛。古磁结果表明,大多数元古代的成冰岩都沉积在低纬度地区。其中一些包含强烈的季节性温度变化的神秘证据,许多形成于海平面。这些属性启发了雪球地球假说和高倾角理论,但只有后者解释了低纬度地区的强烈季节性。在超高大陆升高的风化过程中,大气CO2的下降可能触发了元古代的冰川。风化系统中的负反馈回路导致了多次冰河活动,该循环在超大陆破裂时终止。 Ediacaran时期对气候系统进行了彻底的重组。与以前的冰川形成对比,这些冰盖在高纬度地区发育,并且许多都跟随着山体形成的过程。在Ediacaran时期,地球的气候区划和控制似乎发生了根本性的变化,并一直持续到整个Phanerozoic Eon。这种变化可能与世界上最大的负δ13C偏移(Shuram事件)相吻合,此处的Shuram事件被解释为是由于巨大的海洋影响而导致黄道的倾角减小,导致地球的气候系统采用了目前的形态。随之而来的前所未有的环境重组可能在复杂生命形式的出现中发挥了关键作用。



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