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Review of Policy Reform in American Agriculture: Analysis and Prognosis by David Orden, Robert Paarlberg, and Terry Roe

机译:David Orden,Robert Paarlberg和Terry Roe对“美国农业政策改革的回顾:分析和预测”



Another farm policy debate is underway, and those who plan on participating, or even watching closely from the sidelines, would be well advised to read Policy Reform in American Agriculture. The authors make clear that what is at issue goes well beyond whether the 1996 farm bill's decoupled payment system (where the amount farmers receive is independent of the market price for their crops) is jettisoned or not. Indeed, decisions on how to construct a new safety net may be as important to the long-run outlook for US agriculture as the level at which it is set. Orden, Paarlberg, and Roe clearly favor continuing along the path toward a market-based system. They believe that the efficiency gains from reducing trade barriers and eliminating domestic supply controls and price supports will outweigh any losses attributable to the accompanying price volatility and increased income instability. And, along with most economists, they see a large unfinished agenda in the treatment of import competing commodities such as sugar, tobacco, and dairy products. While that point of view will be obvious to readers, it neither interferes with the objectivity of their reporting nor diminishes the value of their work.
机译:另一场关于农业政策的辩论正在进行中,计划或什至在旁观望的人最好被建议阅读《美国农业政策改革》。这组作者清楚地表明,所讨论的问题远远超出了是否取消1996年农业法案的脱钩支付系统(农民的收成与农作物市场价格无关)的问题。确实,关于如何建立新的安全网的决定对美国农业的长期前景而言,与其设定的水平一样重要。 Orden,Paarlberg和Roe显然赞成继续朝着基于市场的体系发展。他们认为,减少贸易壁垒,取消国内供应控制和价格支持所带来的效率提高将超过因价格波动和收入不稳定而造成的任何损失。而且,与大多数经济学家一起,他们在对待进口竞争商品(例如糖,烟草和乳制品)时看到了一个未完成的宏大议程。尽管这种观点对于读者来说是显而易见的,但它既不会干扰报告的客观性,也不会减少其工作的价值。



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