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Review of With Scarcely a Ripple: Anglo-Canadian Migration into the United States and Western Canada, 1850-1920 by Randy W. Widdis

机译:兰迪·W·威迪斯(Randy W.Widdis)的《几乎没有涟漪的评论:盎格鲁-加拿大移民到美国和加拿大西部》,1850-1920年



There is no Little Canada in the United States; yet the relocation of Anglo-Canadians to the United States ranks among the largest group of foreigners settling in America. Why then is their cultural impact on the American landscape virtually invisible? This is the intriguing question Randy W. Widdis addresses in his aptly titled With Scarcely a Ripple. Widdis begins his story with the relocation of some 50,000 Loyalists (Americans who remained loyal to the British crown) north during the late eighteenth century and ends with the settlement of the Canadian Prairies. In between his account of these two historic movements of people into Canada, Widdis provides ample evidence of a strong flow of Canadians to the promised land of the United States. As a geographer, he pays particular attention to the regional origins of this migration. The pull to America took Canadians, motivated primarily by economics, into both agricultural areas and industrial centers. Farmland was in short supply in Ontario by the middle of the nineteenth century and jobs were more readily available in America's cities than in Ontario's.
机译:美国没有小加拿大;然而,英裔加拿大人迁往美国却是在美国定居的最大外国人群体之一。那么为什么它们对美国景观的文化影响实际上是看不见的?这是兰迪·W·威迪斯(Randy W. Widdis)在他的标题为“几乎没有波纹”中提出的一个有趣的问题。 Widdis的故事始于18世纪后期向北约50,000忠诚于忠诚于英国王冠的忠诚主义者的迁徙,并以加拿大大草原定居点结束。在对这两次人类历史性迁徙到加拿大的叙述之间,维迪斯提供了充分的证据证明加拿大人大量涌入了美国应许之地。作为地理学家,他特别注意这种迁徙的地区起源。对美国的拉动,主要是出于经济学的动机,使加拿大人进入了农业领域和工业中心。到19世纪中叶,安大略省的农田短缺。与安大略省相比,美国的城市更容易找到工作。



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