首页> 外文期刊>GMS Interdisciplinary Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery DGPW >One stage rescue procedure after capsular contracture of breast implants with autologous fat grafts collected by water assisted liposuction (“BEAULI Method”)

One stage rescue procedure after capsular contracture of breast implants with autologous fat grafts collected by water assisted liposuction (“BEAULI Method”)

机译:通过水辅助吸脂术(“ BEAULI方法”)收集的自体脂肪移植物植入乳房植入物的荚膜挛缩后的一阶段抢救程序



With increasing number of patients with silicone implants for breast augmentation or reconstruction we are confronted with more and more cases of capsular contracture. Not every case is resolved by resection of the capsule and exchange of implants. Many patients rather bear the consequences of severe fibrosis than to have their implants removed. The one stage procedure of implant removal and lipofilling proved to be highly efficient with good to excellent results and high patient satisfaction. Between January 2008 and October 2012 a total of 64 patients (124 breasts) with capsular fibrosis Baker III to IV were treated with autologous fat grafts collected with the body-jet? by water-assisted liposuction (“BEAULI Method”). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the breasts was performed in 5 patients preoperatively and 6 month postoperatively, a clinical examination and photo documentation of all patients was done on day 1 and after 4 weeks, 12 weeks and 6 months postoperatively. The procedure included implant removal and lipofilling of the subcutaneous and intramuscular space in a single procedure by means of the BEAULI Method. The average gross amount of grafted fat was 260 ml. The average drainage time was one day. The shape of the breast changed to a more natural and ptotic form. Negative side effects like oily cysts or infections were not observed. The time of the overall procedure including liposuction was 70±15 min. Reoccurring capsular contracture is one of the hazards in plastic surgery. Until now the treatment of choice after more than two failed implant changes combined with resection of the capsule is usually the final removal of implants with or without possible additional autologous tissue transfer (microvascular flaps). We could add a relatively simple and efficient procedure to resolve and improve those cases by autologous fat transfer using water-assisted liposuction and the BEAULI Method.
机译:随着越来越多的使用硅胶植入物进行隆胸或重建的患者,我们面临着越来越多的囊膜挛缩症。并非每种情况都可以通过切除囊体和更换植入物来解决。许多患者宁愿承受严重纤维化的后果,也不愿去除植入物。植入物的去除和注脂的一阶段程序被证明是高效的,具有良好至优异的结果以及较高的患者满意度。在2008年1月至2012年10月之间,共64例Baker III至IV荚膜纤维化患者(124例乳房)接受了自体脂肪移植物的自体脂肪移植,并通过水辅助吸脂术(“ BEAULI”方法”)。术前和术后6个月对5例患者进行了乳房磁共振成像(MRI),所有患者的临床检查和照片记录在术后1天以及术后4周,12周和6个月进行。该过程包括通过BEAULI方法在单个过程中去除植入物并皮下和肌内间隙充脂。嫁接脂肪的平均总量为260毫升。平均排水时间为一天。乳房的形状变为更自然和下垂的形式。没有观察到油性囊肿或感染等负面副作用。包括抽脂在内的整个过程的时间为70±15分钟。再次发生的囊膜挛缩是整形外科的危害之一。到目前为止,在两次或更多次失败的植入物更换失败并结合囊切除后,选择的治疗方法通常是最终植入物的去除,无论是否进行额外的自体组织转移(微血管瓣)。我们可以添加一个相对简单和有效的程序来解决和改善这些情况,方法是使用水辅助吸脂和BEAULI方法进行自体脂肪转移。



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