首页> 外文期刊>Global Pediatric Health >Determinants and Outcome of Metabolic Acidosis in Diarrheal Children Under 5 Years of Age in an Urban Critical Care Ward in Bangladesh:

Determinants and Outcome of Metabolic Acidosis in Diarrheal Children Under 5 Years of Age in an Urban Critical Care Ward in Bangladesh:




We evaluated the independent determinants and outcome of metabolic acidosis in diarrheal children. Children under 5 years of age admitted with diarrhea and severe respiratory distress in the critical care ward at Dhaka Hospital of icddr,b (International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh) from April 2010 to April 2014 who had their reports of arterial blood gas analyses were enrolled in the study. We compared clinical and laboratory characteristics between the study children with (cases = 74) and without metabolic acidosis (controls = 65). Metabolic acidosis was defined if pH 7.35 and HCO3 22 mmol/L in ABG. Cases had higher mortality (53% vs 29%, P = .01) compared to controls. After adjustment of potential confounders, for instance, hypokalemia and dehydration, the cases were independently associated with severe sepsis and raised serum creatinine (for both P .05). Thus, early identification of these features of metabolic acidosis in diarrheal children may help clinicians to have prom...
机译:我们评估了腹泻儿童代谢性酸中毒的独立决定因素和结果。 2010年4月至2014年4月,在icddr,b(孟加拉国国际腹泻病研究中心)达卡医院的重症监护病房收治了5岁以下的腹泻和严重呼吸窘迫儿童,他们报告了动脉血气分析被纳入研究。我们比较了有研究的儿童(病例= 74)和没有代谢性酸中毒(对照组= 65)的临床和实验室特征。如果ABG中的pH <7.35和HCO3 <22 mmol / L,则定义为代谢性酸中毒。与对照组相比,病例死亡率更高(53%比29%,P = 0.01)。调整潜在的混杂因素(例如低血钾和脱水)后,这些病例与严重的败血症和血清肌酐升高独立相关(两者均P <.05)。因此,早期发现腹泻儿童代谢性酸中毒的这些特征可能有助于临床医生早日康复。



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