首页> 外文期刊>Global Journal of Health Science >Emotional Memory and Emotional Intelligence of Individuals Diagnosed with Anti-Social Personality Disorder: Experimental Pretest-Posttest Design

Emotional Memory and Emotional Intelligence of Individuals Diagnosed with Anti-Social Personality Disorder: Experimental Pretest-Posttest Design




BACKGROUND: Aim of current study is to compare Emotional Memory (EM) and Emotional Intelligence (EI) between two groups of healthy people and individuals diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD).MATERIALS & METHODS: Current study is an experimental pretest-posttest study with case-group and control group, which was conducted between 2014-2015 at Zare Psychiatric hospital (Sari, Mazandaran Province, Iran). Statistical Society of this study was chosen via convenient sampling method; our sample was consisted of 80 individuals (men and women) that were divided into two groups of 40 healthy and 40 patients with APD. Subsequently, they answered to SCID-II (Structured Clinical Interview For DSM Disorders), Baron EQ-I (Emotional Quotient Inventory), WMS (Wechsler Memory Scale) and they looked at Picture Slides (Story). In order to analyze the findings of current study, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, multiple covariance analysis (MANCOVA) and independent t-test were used.RESULTS: The findings showed that antisocial patients demonstrated lower score EM and EI.CONCLUSION: Emotional memory of ASPD individuals tends to be less than normal individuals. Furthermore, emotional intelligence of healthy individuals are higher that ASPD patients. It appears plausible that ASPD individuals tend to suffer in remembering their emotions due to their inability to retrieve emotional memories.
机译:背景:本研究的目的是比较两组健康人和被诊断患有反社会人格障碍(ASPD)的个体之间的情绪记忆(EM)和情绪智力(EI)。材料与方法:本研究是一项实验性的前测后测研究病例组和对照组在2014年至2015年之间在Zare精神病医院(伊朗马赞达兰省萨里)进行。本研究的统计学会是通过方便的抽样方法选择的;我们的样本由80名男性和女性组成,分为40名健康人和40名APD患者两组。随后,他们回答了SCID-II(针对DSM障碍的结构性临床访谈),Baron EQ-I(情绪商量清单),WMS(韦氏记忆量表),并看了幻灯片(故事)。为了分析本研究的结果,采用了Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验,多元协方差分析(MANCOVA)和独立t检验。结果:研究结果表明,反社会患者的EM和EI得分较低。结论:ASPD的情绪记忆个体往往少于正常个体。此外,健康个体的情绪智力高于ASPD患者。似乎有理由认为,由于无法恢复情绪记忆,ASPD个人倾向于在记忆自己的情绪方面受苦。



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