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Timing and evolution of Cenozoic extensional normal faulting and magmatism in the southern Tobin Range, Nevada




Geologic mapping, 40Ar/39Ar dating, and whole-rock geochemical analyses were employed to establish the Cenozoic stratigraphy, geometry and timing of normal faults, and the magnitude of extension in the vicinity of Golconda Canyon in the southern Tobin Range. The Golconda Canyon area is near the westernmost extent of a major east-westa€“trending paleovalley that likely predates Basin and Range extension in that region. Latest Eocenea€“Miocene volcanic rocks infill and overtop the paleovalley.Four phases of extensional normal faulting have been identified in the Golconda Canyon area. The earliest phase of normal faulting was minor and took place during the early Oligocene in the form of northwesta€“ and northeasta€“striking, west-dipping faults. This faulting resulted in as much as ~5?°a€“10?° of tilting in the western part of the Tobin Range, and occurred coeval with andesitic volcanism. A second phase of faulting consisted of a major northwest-striking fault and associated northeast-striking faults, both of which dip west. These faults may have begun movement as early as the late Oligocene(?), with much displacement in the middle Miocene (prea€“14.1 Ma). The faults produced syntectonic basins filled with landslide breccia and megabreccia as well as coarse clastic sedimentary rocks. The next phase may represent an eastward progressive younging of the earlier phase, because it is documented largely in the middle and late Miocene record of the eastern part of the range. These north-striking faults are mostly west dipping, but some are east dipping, and they accommodated ~25?°, and locally 30?°, of eastward tilting. Younger moderately to steeply dipping active faults bound the eastern and western margins of the Tobin Range, and include the western fault that ruptured during the 1915 Pleasant Valley earthquake.Cumulative normal faulting has resulted in an overall ~25?°a€“30?° eastward tilt of the Tertiary stratified rocks in the Golconda Canyon area. The timing and magnitude of this faulting and tilting vary, with all areas showing the greatest magnitude of faulting and higher extension rates associated with the two sets of Miocene faults. The western part of the range displays evidence of early Oligocene faulting associated with andesitic magmatism, whereas these faults are not exposed in the eastern part of the range, where middle Miocene and younger tectonism produced slightly greater total stratal tilts.Palinspastic restorations of cross sections and calculations based on fault and rock unit dips suggest that the southern Tobin Range in central Nevada has undergone a minimum of ~50% east-west crustal extension since 34 Ma. This amount of extension and the initiation of normal faulting ca. 33 Ma in the Tobin Range are consistent with the westward decrease in the age and magnitude of extension at this latitude in the Basin and Range Province.
机译:通过地质测绘,40Ar / 39Ar测年和全岩地球化学分析,建立了托宾山脉南部戈尔康达峡谷附近新生代地层,正断层的几何形状和时机,以及伸展的幅度。戈尔康达峡谷地区接近东西方主要古河流的最西端,可能早于该地区的盆地和山脉延伸。最新的始新世—中新世火山岩填充并覆盖了古椭圆形。古尔康达峡谷地区已经确定了伸展正断层的四个阶段。正断层的最早阶段是次要的,发生在渐新世早期,以西北和东北向,西倾断层的形式发生。该断层在托宾山脉的西部造成了大约5°a-10°的倾斜,并与安第斯山脉的火山活动同时发生。断裂的第二阶段包括一个主要的西北向断裂和相关的东北向断裂,两者均向西倾斜。这些断层可能早于渐新世(?)开始运动,而在中新世(早于14.1 Ma)中有很多位移。断层产生了由滑坡角砾岩和巨型角砾岩以及粗碎屑沉积岩组成的构造盆地。下一个阶段可能代表较早阶段的东进渐进年轻化,因为该文件主要记录在该范围东部的中新世中期和晚期记录中。这些向北的断裂主要是向西倾斜,但有些是向东倾斜,它们向东倾斜约25°,局部为30°。较年轻的中度到陡倾活动断裂断层了Tobin山脉的东西边缘,包括1915年普莱森特山谷地震中破裂的西部断裂。累积的正断层总体上造成了大约25?°a?30?°戈尔康达峡谷地区第三纪层状岩石向东倾斜。断层和倾斜的时间和幅度各不相同,所有区域都显示出最大的断层,并且与两组中新世断层有关。该山脉的西部显示出与安山岩岩浆作用有关的渐新世早期断裂的证据,而这些断裂并未在该山脉的东部暴露出来,那里的中新世和较年轻的构造运动产生了更大的总地层倾斜度。基于断层和岩石单元倾角的计算表明,内华达中部的南部托宾山脉自34 Ma以来经历了至少约50%的东西向地壳扩展。这种扩展量和正常断层的开始约。托宾山脉的33 Ma与该盆地和山脉省的该纬度的年龄和延伸幅度的西移一致。



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