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Late Pleistocene Post-Glacial Sea Level Rise and Differential Preservation of Transgressive “Sand Ridge” Deposits in the Adriatic Sea




Linear sand bodies with ridged or mounded morphology are commonly referred to as “sand ridges”. Their origin may reflect a great variety of depositional processes and environments, although many examples from modern shelves include near-shore transgressive deposits formed during the last post-glacial sea level rise. These transgressive sand ridges, however, are not present on all the margins drowned during this interval, indicating that local environmental factors contribute to their formation and preservation. Transgressive sand ridges are recognized on the South Adriatic shelf in water depths between 90 and 120 m, where they overlay a major unconformity originated during the last glacial sea level fall and lowstand. In contrast, they are absent on the Central Adriatic shelf, where transgressive deposits above the glacial unconformity fill erosional scours without forming relief on the seafloor. The transgressive sand ridges on the South Adriatic shelf appear roughly elongated parallel to the bathymetric contour and are locally as thick as 15–20 m. Core data indicate an overall coarse-grained composition, with a relevant bioclastic component. Their limited distribution reflects the importance of local variation in shelf morphology and sediment sourcing at the onset of sea level rise. In particular, their deposition and preservation are favored in less subsiding shelf sectors characterized by higher gradients and tectonic relief, where transgressive erosion and reworking of pre-existing lowstand deposits is also more efficient.
机译:具有脊形或丘形形态的线性砂体通常称为“沙脊”。它们的起源可能反映了各种各样的沉积过程和环境,尽管现代架子上的许多例子都包括上次冰川后海平面上升期间形成的近岸海侵沉积物。但是,在这段时间内淹没的所有边缘上都没有这些海侵沙脊,这表明当地的环境因素有助于它们的形成和保存。在南亚得里亚海陆架的水深介于90至120 m之间,可以识别出海侵脊,这些海​​脊覆盖了上一次冰川海平面下降和低水位造成的主要不整合面。相反,它们在中亚得里亚海陆架上不存在,冰川不整合面上方的海侵沉积物充斥着侵蚀冲刷,而在海底上却没有形成浮雕。南亚得里亚海陆架上的海侵沙脊与测深轮廓平行,大致呈细长形,局部厚度为15–20 m。核心数据显示总体粗粒组成,并包含相关的生物碎屑成分。它们的有限分布反映了在海平面上升之初,架子形态和沉积物来源局部变化的重要性。尤其是,它们的沉积和保存有利于以较高的坡度和构造起伏为特征的较低沉降的陆架板块,在这些板块上进行海侵侵蚀和改造已存在的低水位沉积物也更为有效。



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