首页> 外文期刊>G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics >Targeted Sequence Capture Provides Insight into Genome Structure and Genetics of Male Sterility in a Gynodioecious Diploid Strawberry, Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata (Rosaceae)

Targeted Sequence Capture Provides Insight into Genome Structure and Genetics of Male Sterility in a Gynodioecious Diploid Strawberry, Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata (Rosaceae)

机译:有针对性的序列捕获提供了对雌雄同体二倍体草莓Fragaria vesca ssp雄性不育的基因组结构和遗传的深入了解。 bracteata(蔷薇科)



Gynodioecy is a sexual system wherein females coexist with hermaphrodites. It is of interest not only because male-sterile plants are advantageous in plant breeding but also because it can be a crucial step in the evolutionary transition to entirely separate sexes (dioecy) from a hermaphroditic ancestor. The gynodioecious diploid wild strawberry, Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata (Rosaceae), is a member of a clade with both dioecious and cultivated species, making it an ideal model in which to study the genetics of male sterility. To create a genetic map of F. v . ssp. bracteata , we identified informative polymorphisms from genomic sequencing (3?5x coverage) of two outbred plants from the same population. Using targeted enrichment, we sequenced 200 bp surrounding each of 6575 polymorphisms in 48 F1 offspring, yielding genotypes at 98% of targeted sites with mean coverage 100x, plus more than 600-kb high-coverage nontargeted sequence. With the resulting linkage map of 7802 stringently filtered markers (5417 targeted), we assessed recombination rates and genomic incongruities. Consistent with past work in strawberries, male sterility is dominant, segregates 1:1, and maps to a single location in the female. Further mapping an additional 55 offspring places male sterility in a gene-dense, 338-kb region of chromosome 4. The region is not syntenic with the sex-determining regions in the closely related octoploids, F. chiloensis and F. virginiana , suggesting either independent origins or translocation. The 57 genes in this region do not include protein families known to control male sterility and thus suggest alternate mechanisms for the suppression of male function.
机译:妇科是女性与雌雄同体共存的性系统。令人感兴趣的不仅是因为雄性不育植物在植物育种方面具有优势,而且因为它可能是从雌雄同体的祖先向完全分开的性别(雌雄同体)进化过渡的关键步骤。雌雄同体的二倍体野草莓,草莓(Fragaria vesca ssp)。蔷薇科(蔷薇科)是具有雌雄异体和栽培种的进化枝的成员,使其成为研究雄性不育遗传学的理想模型。创建F. v。的遗传图谱。 ssp。 bracteata,我们从基因组测序(3?5x覆盖率)中鉴定了来自同一种群的两种近交植物的信息多态性。使用靶向富集,我们对48个F1后代中的6575个多态性周围的200 bp进行了测序,在98%的目标位点产生了基因型,平均覆盖率> 100x,加上600-kb以上的高覆盖率非靶向序列。利用7802个严格过滤的标记(靶向5417个)的连锁图,我们评估了重组率和基因组不一致性。与草莓以往的工作一致,雄性不育占主导地位,按1:1隔离,并映射到雌性中的单个位置。进一步定位另外55个后代,可将雄性不育置于4号染色体的338kb基因致密区域中。该区域与紧密相关的八倍体F. chiloensis和F. virginiana中的性别决定区域没有同义关系,表明独立的起源或易位。该区域的57个基因不包含已知控制男性不育的蛋白质家族,因此提示了抑制男性功能的其他机制。



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