首页> 外文期刊>Geoscience frontiers >Geochemical systematics of the Mauranipur-Babina greenstone belt, Bundelkhand Craton, Central India: Insights on Neoarchean mantle plume-arc accretion and crustal evolution

Geochemical systematics of the Mauranipur-Babina greenstone belt, Bundelkhand Craton, Central India: Insights on Neoarchean mantle plume-arc accretion and crustal evolution

机译:印度中部Bundelkhand Craton的Mauranipur-Babina绿岩带的地球化学系统:对新古纪地幔羽弧弧沉积和地壳演化的见解



The Neoarchean Bundelkhand greenstone sequences at Mauranipur and Babina areas within the Bundelkhand Gneissic Complex preserve a variety of magmatic rocks such as komatiitic basalts, basalts, felsic volcanic rocks and high-Mg andesites belonging to the Baragaon, Raspahari and Koti Formations. The?intrusive and extrusive komatiitic basalts are characterized by low SiO 2 (39–53?wt.%), high MgO (18–25?wt.%), moderately high Fe 2 O 3 (7.1–11.6?wt.%), Al 2 O 3 (4.5–12.0?wt.%), and TiO 2 (0.4–1.23?wt.%) with super to subchondritic (Gd/Yb) N ratios indicating garnet control on the melts. The intrusive komatiitic suite of Ti-enriched and Al-depleted type possesses predominant negative Eu and positive Nb, Ti and Y anomalies. The chemical composition of basalts classifies them into three types with varying SiO 2 , TiO 2 , MgO, Fe 2 O 3 , Al 2 O 3 and CaO. At similar SiO 2 content of type I and III basalts, the type II basalts show slightly high Al 2 O 3 and Fe 2 O 3 contents. Significant negative anomalies of Nb, Zr, Hf and Ti, slightly enriched LREE with relatively flat HREE and low ∑REE contents are observed in type I and II basalts. Type III basalts show high Zr/Nb ratios (9.8–10.4), TiO 2 (1.97–2.04?wt.%), but possess strikingly flat Zr, Hf, Y and Yb and are uncontaminated. Andesites from Agar and Koti have high SiO 2 (55–64?wt.%), moderate TiO 2 (0.4–0.7?wt.%), slightly low Al 2 O 3 (7–11.9?wt.%), medium to high MgO (3–8?wt.%) and CaO contents (10–17?wt.%). Anomalously high Cr, Co and Ni contents are observed in the Koti rhyolites. Tholeiitic to calc alkaline affinity of mafic-felsic volcanic rocks and basalt–andesite–dacite–rhyolite differentiation indicate a mature arc and thickened crust during the advanced stage of the evolution of Neoarchean Bundelkhand greenstone belt in a convergent tectonic setting where the melts were derived from partial melting of thick basaltic crust metamorphosed to amphibolite-eclogite facies. The trace element systematics suggest the?presence of arc-back arc association with varying magnitudes of crust-mantle interaction. La/Sm, La/Ta, Nb/Th, high MgO contents (>20?wt.%), CaO/Al 2 O 3 and (Gd/Yb) N ?>?1 along with the positive Nb anomalies of the komatiite basalts reflect a mantle plume source for their origin contaminated by subduction-metasomatized mantle lithosphere. The overall geochemical signatures of the ultramafic-mafic and felsic volcanic rocks endorse the Neoarchean plume-arc accretion tectonics in the Bundelkhand greenstone?belt. Graphical abstract Display Omitted Highlights ? East-west trending (Mauaranipur-Babina-Dhaura) Bundelkhand Greenstone Belt. ? Geochemistry of komatiitic basalts-island arc tholeiitic BADR association. ? Crustal growth through Neoarchean plume – back arc-arc accretion in Bundelkhand Craton. ? Southward subduction polarity.
机译:班德尔汉德片麻岩群内毛拉尼普尔和巴比纳地区的新古堡邦德尔汉德绿岩层序保留了各种岩浆岩,例如科马蒂纪玄武岩,玄武岩,长英质火山岩以及属于Baragaon,Raspahari和Koti地层的高镁安山岩。侵入性和挤出性的玄武岩玄武岩的特征是低SiO 2(39–53%wt。%),高MgO(18–25%wt。%),中等高的Fe 2 O 3(7.1–11.6%wt。%) ,Al 2 O 3(4.5-12.0wt。%)和TiO 2(0.4-1.23wt。%)的N比与超软骨体(Gd / Yb)的N比高,表明石榴石对熔体的控制。富钛和贫铝类型的侵入性岩屑组合具有主要的负Eu和正Nb,Ti和Y异常。玄武岩的化学成分将其分为SiO 2,TiO 2,MgO,Fe 2 O 3,Al 2 O 3和CaO三种。在I型和III型玄武岩的SiO 2含量相似的情况下,II型玄武岩的Al 2 O 3和Fe 2 O 3含量略高。在I型和II型玄武岩中观察到了Nb,Zr,Hf和Ti的显着负异常,略有富集的LREE,且HREE相对平坦且∑REE含量低。 III型玄武岩显示出较高的Zr / Nb比(9.8-10.4),TiO 2(1.97-2.04?wt。%),但Zr,Hf,Y和Yb非常平坦,且未被污染。琼脂和科蒂的安山岩具有较高的SiO 2(55–64?wt。%),中等的TiO 2(0.4–0.7?wt。%),略低的Al 2 O 3(7–11.9?wt。%),中等至高的MgO(3-8wt。%)和CaO含量(10-17wt。%)。在科蒂流纹岩中观察到异常高的Cr,Co和Ni含量。镁铁质-长石质火山岩的碱性到钙碱性的亲和力,玄武岩-安山岩-达克特-流纹岩的分化表明在新构造邦德尔坎德绿岩带演化的晚期,在一个融汇的构造环境中,形成了成熟的弧形和厚壳。厚的玄武岩地壳部分熔融,变质为角闪石-榴辉岩相。痕量元素系统学表明存在地壳-地幔相互作用幅度不同的反弧电弧关联。 La / Sm,La / Ta,Nb / Th,高MgO含量(> 20?wt。%),CaO / Al 2 O 3和(Gd / Yb)N?>?1以及科马铁矿的Nb正异常玄武岩反映出地幔羽源,其起源被俯冲-变质化的地幔岩石圈污染。超镁铁质-镁铁质和长英质质火山岩的整体地球化学特征支持了班德尔坎德绿岩带中的新阿尔巴西亚羽弧-弧堆积构造。图形摘要显示省略的突出显示?东西方趋势(Mauaranipur-Babina-Dhaura)Bundelkhand Greenstone Belt。 ?科马蒂玄武岩-岛弧生烃BADR协会的地球化学。 ?地壳通过新古纪羽状流生长-班德尔坎德邦克拉通背弧弧积聚。 ?南极俯冲极性。



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