首页> 外文期刊>Geography & Natural Disasters >Integration of Remote Sensing and Hydraulic Models to Identify Flood Prone Areas in Woybo River Catchment, South Western Ethiopia

Integration of Remote Sensing and Hydraulic Models to Identify Flood Prone Areas in Woybo River Catchment, South Western Ethiopia




In line with Climate change rainfall seasonal fluctuation and rainfall amount have major impact on flood and becoming a trait to human life and properties especially on agriculture and different installation. Therefore estimating the runoff and identifying flood prone area at different return period is very essential for effective flood mitigation measure. One of the possible approaches for identifying flood prone area is use of integration of RS with hydraulic models (HECRAS). The present study area is of Woybo River catchment, south western Ethiopia, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM), 90 m resolution downloaded from united states geological survey, were used to extract the river geometry. Daily peak rainfall data from tow metrological stations (1990-2013), collected from national metrological agency, were used for estimating design rainfall and runoff for 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 return period. In HEC-RAS, river geometry, boundary conditions, manning’s n value of different land cover, designed runoff for different return periods were inputted then steady flow analysis was carried out. estimated design rainfall frequency showed expected peak rainfall were 63.2, 70.87, 80.57, 87.77, 94.91 and 102.02 mm and estimated design runoff were 378, 461, 568, 650.5, 733, and 817 m3/se. Steady analysis showed that water surface elevation in the longitudinal profile increase with increasing return period, Inundation area were 1727, 1788, 18560, 1905, 1950 and 1987 ha respectively. The study also suggested that flood prone areas were at the lower reach along the banks of the river extending to 50 m right and left. The finding has been used for planning and decision making in insuring that this areas are protected and limit the risk of damage occurring.
机译:与气候变化相一致,降雨的季节性波动和降雨量对洪水具有重大影响,并成为人类生命和财产的一种特征,特别是对农业和不同设施而言。因此,估算径流并确定不同回水期的易发洪水面积对于有效的防洪措施至关重要。确定洪灾易发地区的一种可能方法是使用RS与水力模型(HECRAS)的集成。目前的研究区域是埃塞俄比亚西南部的Woybo河集水区,航天飞机雷达地形任务(SRTM)数字高程模型(DEM),从美国地质调查局下载的分辨率为90 m,用于提取河流的几何形状。从国家计量局收集的两个气象站(1990-2013年)的每日峰值降雨数据被用于估算5、10、25、50、100和200个回归期的设计降雨和径流。在HEC-RAS中,输入河流的几何形状,边界条件,不同土地覆盖的人为n值,针对不同返回期的设计径流量,然后进行稳定流分析。估计的设计降雨频率显示预期的峰值降雨量为63.2、70.87、80.57、87.77、94.91和102.02 mm,估计的设计径流为378、461、568、650.5、733和817 m3 / se。稳定分析表明,纵向剖面的水面高度随返回期的增加而增加,淹没面积分别为1727、1788、18560、1905、1950和1987公顷。研究还表明,洪水易发地区位于沿河两岸向右延伸50 m的下游。该发现已用于规划和决策,以确保该区域受到保护并限制了发生损坏的风险。



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