首页> 外文期刊>Genome Biology and Evolution >The Whole-Genome Sequence of the Coral Acropora millepora

The Whole-Genome Sequence of the Coral Acropora millepora




Reef-building corals are iconic animals that are in global decline as a consequence of increasing anthropogenic pressure, but the development of strategies to ensure their conservation is constrained by our limited understanding of the molecular bases of many aspects of coral biology. Some coral genera are particularly sensitive to stress and, among these, Acropora is of particular significance because this is the dominant genus of reef-building corals in the Indo-Pacific. These factors have led to members of this genus often being the subjects of investigation into coral responses to various physical and biological stressors. Fittingly, the first coral genome to be sequenced was Acropora digitifera; the availability of this whole-genome sequence (Shinzato et al. 2011) allowed substantial progress in several areas of coral biology, including the molecular underpinnings of symbiosis and calcification (Hamada et al. 2013; Ramos-Silva et al. 2013). Here we report the whole-genome sequence of a second Acropora species, A. millepora, which has been the most extensively studied Acropora species at the molecular level (reviewed in Miller et al. 2011) by virtue of its wide distribution (Carpenter et al. 2008; Madin et al. 2016) and the ease with which it can be identified in what is a highly speciose genus. Despite being classified on the basis of skeletal characteristics into different species groups sensu Wallace and Wolstenholme (1998), molecular data indicate that A. millepora and A. digitifera are close relatives (e.g., van Oppen et al. 2001) that have diverged since the Oligocene (Santodomingo et al. 2015). The two species are shown in figure 1a–d .
机译:造礁珊瑚是由于人为压力增加而在全球范围内下降的标志性动物,但是由于我们对珊瑚生物学许多方面的分子基础的了解有限,确保保护其的策略的发展受到了限制。一些珊瑚属对压力特别敏感,其中,Acropora尤其重要,因为它是印度太平洋太平洋造礁珊瑚的主要属。这些因素导致该属的成员经常成为调查珊瑚对各种物理和生物应激源的反应的对象。合适的是,第一个要测序的珊瑚基因组是指爪草。全基因组序列的可用性(Shinzato等人,2011年)使珊瑚生物学的一些领域取得了实质性进展,包括共生和钙化的分子基础(Hamada等人,2013年; Ramos-Silva等人,2013年)。在这里,我们报道了第二个棘足类物种A. millepora的全基因组序列,由于其分布广泛(Carpenter等人,这是在分子水平上研究最广泛的棘足类物种(Miller等人,2011年综述))。 (2008年; Madin等人,2016年)以及在高度特殊的属中可以容易地识别出它。尽管根据骨骼特征分为森苏·华莱士和沃尔斯滕霍姆(Sensu Wallace and Wolstenholme,1998)的不同物种组,但分子数据表明,自从渐新世(Santodomingo et al.2015)。这两种物种如图1a-d所示。



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