首页> 外文期刊>Geography & Natural Disasters >Causes and Consequences of Channel Changes ?¢???? A Spatio-Temporal Analysis using Remote Sensing and Gis?¢???? Jaldhaka-Diana River System (Lower Course), Jalpaiguri (Duars), West Bengal, India

Causes and Consequences of Channel Changes ?¢???? A Spatio-Temporal Analysis using Remote Sensing and Gis?¢???? Jaldhaka-Diana River System (Lower Course), Jalpaiguri (Duars), West Bengal, India




Channel changes with respect to time and space play a significant role in stream flow dynamics. The rambling and trailing of channels in the studied region have been studied through systematic analysis and interpretation of diverse channel configuration and multi-channel orientation using multi-temporal Topographical maps and Satellite images for a period spanning nearly 80 years (1930-2011). For this specific purpose the lower course of Diana River in the Jaldhaka-Diana river system has been selected in the Duars region of the Jalpaiguri district, West Bengal, which is virtually a zone of transition between the Himalayan Mountains and the North Bengal plain. The prime objective of the study is to reveal the spatio-temporal sequences of channel changes, consequent movement of confluence point and the factors and causes of such movement. For this particular extraction, a base map has been generated with the help of SOI Topographical maps and satellite images of the respective area. For this purpose an updated version of ERDAS Imaging is employed as image processing tool for enhancing, merging and to update the spatial information of channel configuration and Arc GIS is used for final product generation. Following the specific objective of the study it has been deduced that during this span the confluence point has moved and re-oriented both upstream and downstream on a historical time scale and new confluence points have been created by repeated shifting and migration of channels.No definite trend is observed in the movement of the confluence points. However, it is noticed that some distinct flow dynamics and channel maintaining processes are actively performing in this spatio-temporal analysis of channel changes
机译:通道在时间和空间方面的变化在水流动力学中起着重要作用。通过使用多时相地形图和卫星图像对近80年(1930-2011年)的各种通道配置和多通道方向进行系统分析和解释,研究了该地区通道的漫游和拖尾现象。为此,在西孟加拉邦Jalpaiguri区的Duars地区选择了Jaldhaka-Diana河系中的Diana河下游,该地区实际上是喜马拉雅山脉与北孟加拉平原之间的过渡带。该研究的主要目的是揭示通道变化的时空序列,汇合点的随之运动以及这种运动的因素和原因。对于此特定提取,已借助SOI地形图和各个区域的卫星图像生成了底图。为此,采用了ERDAS Imaging的更新版本作为图像处理工具,以增强,合并和更新通道配置的空间信息,并使用Arc GIS生成最终产品。根据研究的特定目标,可以得出结论,在此跨度中,汇合点已在历史时间尺度上移动并重新定向了上游和下游,并且通过反复的通道移动和迁移创建了新的汇合点。在汇合点的移动中观察到趋势。但是,应注意的是,在这种通道变化的时空分析中,一些独特的流动动力学和通道维持过程正在积极地进行。



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