首页> 外文期刊>Genetics and molecular biology: publication of the Sociedade Brasileira de Genetica >Morphological divergence rate tests for natural selection: uncertainty of parameter estimation and robustness of results

Morphological divergence rate tests for natural selection: uncertainty of parameter estimation and robustness of results




In this study, we used a combination of geometric morphometric and evolutionary genetics methods for the inference of possible mechanisms of evolutionary divergence. A sensitivity analysis for the constant-heritability rate test results regarding variation in genetic and demographic parameters was performed, in order to assess the relative influence of uncertainty of parameter estimation on the robustness of test results. As an application, we present a study on body shape variation among populations of the poeciliine fish Poecilia vivipara inhabiting lagoons of the quaternary plains in northern Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The sensitivity analysis showed that, in general, the most important parameters are heritability, effective population size and number of generations since divergence. For this specific example, using a conservatively wide range of parameters, the neutral model of genetic drift could not be accepted as a sole cause for the observed magnitude of morphological divergence among populations. A mechanism of directional selection is suggested as the main cause of variation among populations in different habitats and lagoons. The implications of parameter estimation and biological assumptions and consequences are discussed.
机译:在这项研究中,我们使用了几何形态计量学和进化遗传学方法相结合的方法来推断进化分歧的可能机制。为了评估参数估计不确定性对测试结果的鲁棒性的相对影响,对遗传率和人口统计学参数变化的恒定遗传率测试结果进行了敏感性分析。作为一项应用,我们提出了在巴西里约热内卢州北部第四纪泻湖中栖息的Poeciliaine鱼Poecilia vivipara种群之间的体形变化研究。敏感性分析表明,总体上,最重要的参数是遗传力,有效种群大小和自发散以来的世代数。对于此特定示例,使用保守的范围广泛的参数,不能将遗传漂移的中性模型作为观察到的群体之间形态差异程度的唯一原因。建议将方向选择机制作为不同栖息地和泻湖之间种群差异的主要原因。讨论了参数估计以及生物学假设和后果的含义。



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