首页> 外文期刊>Geodiversitas >R??vision de Brachyoxylon rotnaense Mathiesen, description de B. serrae n. sp. et cons??quences pour la stratigraphie du Cr??tac?? inf??rieur d'Asie du Sud-Est

R??vision de Brachyoxylon rotnaense Mathiesen, description de B. serrae n. sp. et cons??quences pour la stratigraphie du Cr??tac?? inf??rieur d'Asie du Sud-Est

机译:修订Brachyoxylon rotnaense Mathiesen,对B. serrae n。的描述。 sp。 Cr ?? tac ??的地层及其影响下东南亚



The Mesozoic strata of Muang Phalan in southern Laos yielded fossils of terrestrial organisms (vertebrates, molluscs, wood). The latter was assigned to a species known from the Liassic strata of Denmark, Brachyoxylon rotnaense Mathiesen, whereas vertebrates are indicative of a late Early Cretaceous age. A revision of the type material for B. rotnaense and for its putative taxonomical synonym Simplicioxylon hungaricum Andre??nszky, of the Lao material and of new material from Thailand allowed to: 1) confirm the taxonomical synonymy; 2) reject the assignment of the Lao material to the European species; and finally 3) to recognize a new species, here described as B. serrae n. sp., encompassing the Lao and Thai materials. This new species of Brachyoxylon is characterized by the occurrence, in the radial pitting, of clusters of much flattened contiguous pits and of pairs of opposite pits in otherwise long araucarian uniseriate rows. Our revision removed the stratigraphical ambiguity and confirmed the biogeographical peculiarity of Indosinian terrestrial biomes during the Early Cretaceous.
机译:老挝南部Muang Phalan的中生代地层产生了陆地生物化石(脊椎动物,软体动物,木材)。后者被归类于丹麦的侏罗纪地层中的一个物种,即Brachyoxylon rotnaense Mathiesen,而脊椎动物则表明白垩纪晚期。对老挝人材料和泰国的新材料中的罗氏沼虾类型材料及其假定的生物分类学同义词 Simplicioxylon hungaricum Andre ?? nszky的修订允许:1)确认生物分类学同义词; 2)拒绝将老挝材料转让给欧洲物种;最后3)识别一个新物种,这里称为 B。 serrae n。 sp。,包括老挝和泰国的资料。 Brachyoxylon 的这种新物种的特征是,在径向凹坑中,出现了许多扁平的连续凹坑和成对的相反凹坑的簇,这些簇原本就很长,属于无性的单性行。我们的修订消除了地层学上的歧义,并确认了早白垩世时期印支陆相生物群落的生物地理特征。



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