首页> 外文期刊>Extreme Life, Biospeology Astrobiology >The black bullhead ( Ameiurus melas , Rafinesque, 1820) - a new invasive fish species in Somes river, Romania.

The black bullhead ( Ameiurus melas , Rafinesque, 1820) - a new invasive fish species in Somes river, Romania.

机译:黑bull头(Ameiurus melas,Rafinesque,1820)-一种新的入侵的鱼种类在罗马尼亚的萨姆斯河。



The black bullhead (Ameiurus melas) is an Ictalurid North American fish species with greatpotential for invading new areas. It was introduced in Europe in the 19th century. Usually mistaken withthe brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus), the correct identification of this species in Europe has provento be problematic. Scientific literature has, in some cases, been inaccurate in presenting informationregarding the non-native areas of A. melas in Europe, mainly because the meristic characteristics of theblack bullhead and brown bullhead overlap. In Romania, the black bullhead has been previously reportedin Ier, Barc?u and Danube rivers and the catchment of the Cri? river. In this study, the presence of A.melas in Some? river, Romania, is recorded. Six specimens were captured in 2018 and identified basedon the pectoral spine morphology and other biological traits. Morphometric measurements were taken,and age determination was made. To our knowledge, this is the first report of A. melas in Some? river.
机译:黑色bull头(Ameiurus melas)是北美洲的一种捕食鱼类,具有入侵新区域的巨大潜力。它于19世纪在欧洲引入。通常误认为是棕色的牛头犬(Ameiurus nebulosus),在欧洲正确鉴定该物种存在问题。在某些情况下,科学文献在介绍有关欧洲黑曲霉非本土区域的信息方面不够准确,这主要是因为黑牛头和褐牛头的特征性特征重叠。在罗马尼亚,先前曾在艾尔河,巴库河和多瑙河以及克里斯河集水区报道过黑头。河。在这项研究中,A.melas是否存在?记录了罗马尼亚的河流。 2018年捕获了6个标本,并根据胸椎形态和其他生物学特征进行了识别。进行形态测量,并确定年龄。据我们所知,这是A. melas在Some?中的首次报道。河。



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