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TGuide Mashup: Integra??o de Dados de Dispositivos Móveis com Dados de Sensores IoT




Two current trends have fueled the production of large volumes of data: The growing use of smartphone applications and the availability of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors. By integrating data from different sources you can create new applications called mashups. However, much of this data is not effectively used because of the interoperability between them is quite limited. Thus, this paper presents a proposal for integrating data from different sources of Data integration generated by smartphones with IoT sensors data. The scenario proposed in this work focuses on the tourism domain and, in this way, presents: (i) the TGuide, an application that allows tourists to evaluate and comment on touristic points; and (ii) the TGuide Mashup, which uses semantics' data, allows the alignment of this collected data by the smartphones with IoT sensors data. As a result, the mashup can display more information about a tourist site through a web application that shows the touristic sites with their respective ratings, geographic coordinates, and sensor data, such as temperature.
机译:当前的两个趋势推动了海量数据的产生:智能手机应用程序的日益普及和物联网(IoT)传感器的可用性。通过集成来自不同来源的数据,您可以创建称为mashup的新应用程序。但是,由于它们之间的互操作性非常有限,因此许多数据没有得到有效利用。因此,本文提出了一种提案,该提案旨在将来自智能手机生成的不同数据集成源中的数据与物联网传感器数据进行集成。本工作中提出的方案侧重于旅游领域,并以此方式提出:(i)TGuide,该应用程序允许游客评估和评论旅游点; (ii)使用语义数据的TGuide Mashup,允许智能手机将此收集的数据与IoT传感器数据对齐。结果,混搭可以通过Web应用程序显示有关旅游景点的更多信息,该Web应用程序显示旅游景点及其各自的等级,地理坐标和传感器数据(例如温度)。



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