首页> 外文期刊>Eurosurveillance >Ongoing outbreaks of hepatitis A among men who have sex with men (MSM), Berlin, November 2016 to January 2017 – linked to other German cities and European countries

Ongoing outbreaks of hepatitis A among men who have sex with men (MSM), Berlin, November 2016 to January 2017 – linked to other German cities and European countries




Since 14 November 2016, 38 cases of hepatitis A have been notified in Berlin; of these, 37 were male and 30 reported to have sex with men (MSM). Median age of MSM cases is 31 years (range: 24–52 years). Phylogenetic analysis revealed three distinct sequences, linking cases in Berlin to those in other German cities and to clusters recognised in other European countries in 2016. Keywords: Sexually transmitted infection, Hepatitis A, outbreak, men who have sex with men, molecular subtypingOn 14 December 2016, the local public health authority (LPHA) of the Berlin district Mitte informed the State Office for Health and Social Affairs (SOHSA) in Berlin, of two male cases of hepatitis A, notified in calendar week 50, who identified themselves as men who have sex with men (MSM). At that time, no increase in hepatitis A cases was apparent in the notification data.Immediately following this information, we enhanced epidemiological and virological surveillance of hepatitis A in Berlin and report here preliminary findings.Enhanced surveillance and molecular analysesIn the absence of an increase of hepatitis A in the notification data of Berlin in calendar week 50/2016, we (arbitrarily) considered a possible outbreak beginning as of calendar week 46/2016 (starting 14 November), i.e. four weeks (mean incubation period of hepatitis A) before the hepatitis A cases in MSM were first recognised. This coincided with when notified hepatitis A cases started to be predominantly male adults. We applied the case definition that is also used for surveillance purposes in Germany, i.e. symptomatic disease defined as fever or one of the following: abdominal discomfort, increase in serum transaminases, jaundice, plus laboratory confirmation, i.e. detection of hepatitis A virus (HAV) nucleic acid or HAV-specific IgM or a distinct increase in IgG [1]. We requested all 12 LPHAs in Berlin to systematically collect additional information on hepatitis A cases, notified as of calendar week 46/2016, in a specifically designed spreadsheet, including information on sexual contacts, sex in non-household venues and drug use, during their assumed period of infection. SOHSA collated case information submitted electronically by LPHAs.LPHAs were also asked to organise sequencing of hepatitis A virus (HAV) from IgM positive serum samples or stool samples of cases notified as of calendar week 50 at the National Consultant Laboratory for Hepatitis A and Hepatitis E in Regensburg. Nucleic acid isolation, quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) and sequencing were conducted as described elsewhere [2]. Sequencing primers were chosen according to the HAVNET unified typing protocol [3]. We queried GenBank for sequences with high similarity using the BLAST algorithms. A rooted maximum likelihood phylogenetic consensus tree for sequences of a 437 nucleotide (nt) long fragment in the VP1/P2A junction region was inferred using MEGA version 7.0.18 software.In order to obtain information about possibly linked cases in other European Union countries, we communicated the information about the increase of hepatitis A in Berlin together with sequence information via the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)’s Epidemic Intelligence Information System (EPIS) for food- and waterborne diseases and zoonoses (FWD) and the EPIS for sexually transmitted infections.Description of the outbreakAs at 20 January 2017, 38 cases of hepatitis A have been notified in Berlin since 14 November 2016 (calendar week 46). Of these, 37 are male, and one is female (Table). Table Characteristics of notified hepatitis A cases, Berlin, 14 November 2016–20 January 2017 (n=38) MSM Others~(a) Total Number30838Male patients30 of 307 of 837 of 38Median age (range) in years31 (24–52)34 (11–50)31 (11–52)Hospitalised6 of 302 of 7~(b)8 of 37~(b)Sexual contacts in non-household venues12 of 24~(b)NANAMigration background13 of 25~(b)1 of 4~(b)14 of 29Drug use1 of 25~(b)NANAOpen in a separate windowMSM: men who have sex with men; NA: not applicable.~(a) This category includes one heterosexual patient, one homosexual female patient and six male patients with unknown status.~(b) Information missing for some patients.
机译:自2016年11月14日以来,柏林已通报38例甲型肝炎病例。其中37名是男性,有30名据报道与男性发生性关系(MSM)。 MSM病例的中位年龄为31岁(范围:24-52岁)。系统发育分析揭示了三个不同的序列,将柏林的病例与德国其他城市的病例以及2016年在欧洲其他国家认可的群联系起来。关键词:性传播感染,甲型肝炎,暴发,与男男性接触,分子分型12月14日2016年,柏林米特区的地方公共卫生当局(LPHA)向柏林国家卫生和社会事务办公室(SOHSA)通报了在日历第50周通知的两例男性甲型肝炎病例,他们将自己确定为男性,与男人发生性关系(MSM)。当时,通报数据中没有明显增加甲型肝炎病例的发生。我们紧接此信息之后,在柏林加强了对甲型肝炎的流行病学和病毒学监测,并在此报告了初步结果。加强监测和分子分析在50/2016日历周的柏林通报数据中,我们(任意)认为可能从46/2016日历周(11月14日开始)开始爆发,即在疫情发生前四周(甲肝平均潜伏期)。首先认识到MSM中的甲型肝炎病例。这与通报的甲型肝炎病例开始主要是男性成年人相吻合。我们采用了在德国也用于监视目的的病例定义,即有症状的疾病定义为发烧或以下情况之一:腹部不适,血清转氨酶升高,黄疸以及实验室确诊,即检测到甲型肝炎病毒(HAV)核酸或HAV特异性IgM或IgG明显增加[1]。我们要求柏林的所有12家LPHA在专门设计的电子表格中系统收集第46/2016日历周通知的甲型肝炎病例的其他信息,包括有关性接触,在非家庭场所发生性行为和吸毒的信息假定感染期。 SOHSA整理了由LPHA以电子方式提交的病例信息。还要求LPHA组织从50周日历日在甲型和戊型肝炎国家顾问实验室通报的病例的IgM阳性血清样本或粪便样本中对甲型肝炎病毒(HAV)进行测序在雷根斯堡。如别处所述[2],进行了核酸分离,定量逆转录PCR(RT-qPCR)和测序。根据HAVNET统一打字协议选择测序引物[3]。我们使用BLAST算法向GenBank查询具有高度相似性的序列。使用MEGA版本7.0.18推断了VP1 / P2A连接区域中437个核苷酸(nt)长片段的序列的有根最大似然系统进化共识树。为了获得有关其他欧盟国家中可能链接的病例的信息,我们通过欧洲疾病预防控制中心(ECDC)的流行病智能信息系统(EPIS)传播了有关食物和水传播疾病和人畜共患病(FWD)以及EPIS用于性传播感染暴发的描述截至2017年1月20日,自2016年11月14日(日历第46周)以来,柏林已通报38例甲型肝炎病例。在这些人中,男性占37位,女性占1位(表)。表2016年11月14日至2017年1月20日柏林(n = 38)MSM其他〜(a)总数30838例男性患者中的837例中的307例中有307例中特征年龄(范围)31(24-52)34( 11–50)31(11–52)住院的7在302中的6〜(b)8在37〜(b)中的非性生活场所中的性接触24到(b)NANAM的性交12 25〜(b)1的移居背景13 4 〜29中的(b)14毒品使用中的25〜(b)NANA1在单独的窗口中打开MSM:与男人发生性关系的男人;不适用:不适用。〜(a)此类别包括一名异性恋患者,一名同性恋女性患者和六名身份不明的男性患者。〜(b)一些患者缺少信息。



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