首页> 外文期刊>Eurosurveillance >Retrospective clinical case series study in 2017 identifies Plasmodium knowlesi as most frequent Plasmodium species in returning travellers from Thailand to Germany

Retrospective clinical case series study in 2017 identifies Plasmodium knowlesi as most frequent Plasmodium species in returning travellers from Thailand to Germany

机译:2017年的回顾性临床病例系列研究确定了 Plasmodium Knowlesi 是从泰国返回德国的旅行者中最常见的 Plasmodium 物种



Febrile illnesses are common in travellers returning from south-east Asia. However, malaria is a rare diagnosis in this population. A series of Plasmodium knowlesi infections was noted in German travellers returning from Thailand since 2012. Infectious disease and tropical medicine facilities registered by the German Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health were contacted in March 2017, and asked to report previous P. knowlesi cases. In addition, surveillance data from the Robert Koch-Institute were analysed. The facilities reported a total of six P. knowlesi -positive cases, all were returning travellers from Thailand. The P. knowlesi -positive cases made up 6/9 of all diagnosed malaria cases imported from Thailand in the time period 2012 to 2017. In 4/5 of cases where a malaria rapid diagnostic test had been applied it revealed a negative result. P. knowlesi is an important differential diagnosis in travellers returning from south-east Asia with itineraries that include Thailand. This study highlights the importance of this Plasmodium species in this patient subgroup. Whenever malaria is suspected in a returning traveller from Thailand, P. knowlesi should be taken into consideration and a differential PCR be executed as currently the unequivocal diagnosis of P. knowlesi is based on nuclear amplification techniques.
机译:高热病在从东南亚返回的旅行者中很常见。但是,疟疾是该人群中罕见的诊断方法。自2012年以来,从泰国返回的德国旅客注意到一系列诺氏疟原虫感染。2017年3月,德国热带医学与国际卫生学会注册了传染病和热带医学机构,并要求报告先前的诺氏疟原虫病例。此外,还分析了罗伯特·科赫研究所(Robert Koch-Institute)的监视数据。设施报告总共有6例诺氏疟原虫阳性病例,所有病例都是从泰国回国的旅客。在2012年至2017年期间,从泰国进口的所有确诊疟疾病例中,诺氏疟原虫阳性病例占6/9。在应用了疟疾快速诊断测试的4/5病例中,结果为阴性。 P. Knowlessi是对从东南亚返回的,包括泰国在内的航线旅行者的重要鉴别诊断。这项研究强调了这种疟原虫物种在该患者亚组中的重要性。每当从泰国返回的旅行者中怀疑有疟疾时,都应考虑诺氏疟原虫并进行差异PCR,因为目前对诺氏疟原虫的明确诊断是基于核扩增技术。



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