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Pseudorabies virus: a neglected zoonotic pathogen in humans?




Pseudorabies (also known as Aujeszky’s disease) is aviral disease caused by pseudorabies virus (PRV).First isolated in 1902, classical PRV has circulated globallysince the 1980s, especially in locations with largepig populations. PRV is extremely infectious andinfected pigs shed large quantities of virus in bodilysecretions and excretions. PRV is mainly spread viadirect contact, but may also transmit by air, waterand contaminated fomites. Outbreaks of PRV in pigsare difficult to control, causing catastrophic economiclosses in the swine industry. Immunization of pigswith the Bartha-K61 vaccine, a live-attenuated PRVstrain [1], effectively controls virus spread but doesnot prevent infection [2]. Targeted vaccination campaignshave eliminated classical PRV from domesticpigs (but not wild feral swine) in most of Europe,USA and New Zealand. In 2011, variant PRV strainsemerged from Bartha-K61-vaccinated pig farms inChina [3]. The Bartha-K61 vaccine did not effectivelyprotect against variant PRV in pigs [4] (although thisis disputed [5]), but since then, these novel viruseshave continued to circulate in Northern, Eastern andSouthern China.
机译:伪狂犬病(也称为奥耶斯基病)是由伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)引起的病毒性疾病。经典PRV于1902年首次分离,自1980年代开始在全球范围内流行,尤其是在大猪种群中。 PRV具有极强的感染力,被感染的猪的身体分泌物和排泄物中会散发大量病毒。 PRV主要通过直接接触传播,但也可能通过空气,水和受污染的毒气传播。猪中PRV的爆发难以控制,在养猪业造成了灾难性的经济损失。用减毒的活PRV株Bartha-K61疫苗对猪进行免疫[1],可有效控制病毒传播,但不能预防感染[2]。有针对性的疫苗接种运动已在欧洲,美国和新西兰的大多数地区从家猪(而非野生野生猪)中消除了经典PRV。 2011年,从中国Bartha-K61疫苗接种的猪场中产生了PRV变异株[3]。 Bartha-K61疫苗不能有效预防猪的PRV变异[4](尽管对此有争议[5]),但是从那时起,这些新型病毒就继续在中国北方,华东和华南传播。



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