首页> 外文期刊>Eurasian Journal of Soil Science >Applications of geographic information systems in studying changes in groundwater quality and soil salinity in Sohag Governorate

Applications of geographic information systems in studying changes in groundwater quality and soil salinity in Sohag Governorate




Sohag governorate is a narrow long strip of a cultivated valley located in upper Egypt. Groundwater and soil samples were collected along the Nile river, starting form the southern border to the northern border of Sohag governorate to assess the groundwater quality and soil salinity between 1991 and 2006. The obtained data reveal that the electrical conductivity of well waters (ECw) was classified to four classes (250-750, 750-2250, 2250-5000 and greater than 5000 μS/cm). The results showed an increase in the groundwater salinity within 15 years, especially in the first class where it increased from 9% in 1991 to 14% in 2006 but it raised from 17% in 1991 to 37% in 2006 for the third class. The surface and subsurface soil layers showed an increase trend in the soil salinity from 1991 to 2006. The soil salinity increased with depth from 1991 to 2006. The groundwater pH values changed due to the changes in their salt content from 1991 to 2006. The pH values of the surface and subsurface soil samples also changed from 1991 to 2006 that may be due to the changes in salt content of well waters. Cations and anions of the groundwater increased from 1991 to 2006. The groundwater SAR decreased for the first class (0-10) from 89 % in 1991 to 83 % in 2006 but increased for the second class (10) from 11% in 1991 to 17% in 2006. The groundwater RSC for the first and third classes changed from 91 and 3 %, respectively, in 1991 to 83 and 11%, respectively, in 2006. The increase in the high class of RSC may limit the use of these waters in irrigation. Thus, the irrigation with such water might affect the permeability of soil and cause infiltration problems.
机译:Sohag省是位于上埃及的一个狭窄的狭长谷地。沿尼罗河河(从Sohag省的南部边界到北部边界)开始收集地下水和土壤样本,以评估1991年至2006年之间的地下水质量和土壤盐度。获得的数据表明,井水的电导率(ECw)分为四类(250-750、750-2250、2250-5000和大于5000μS/ cm)。结果表明,地下水盐度在15年内增加了,特别是第一类,其从1991年的9%增加到2006年的14%,但第三类从1991年的17%增加到2006年的37%。 1991年至2006年,表层和地下土壤层的土壤盐分呈增加趋势。1991年至2006年,土壤盐分随深度增加。地下水的pH值由于其盐含量的变化(从1991年至2006年)而改变。从1991年到2006年,表层和地下土壤样品的数值也发生了变化,这可能是由于井水含盐量的变化所致。从1991年到2006年,地下水的阳离子和阴离子增加。第一类(0-10)的地下水SAR从1991年的89%降低到2006年的83%,而第二类(> 10)的SAR则从1991年的11%增加到2006年增至17%。第一类和第三类地下水的RSC分别从1991年的91%和3%变为2006年的83%和11%。高级RSC的增加可能会限制使用这些水灌溉。因此,用这种水灌溉可能会影响土壤的渗透性并引起渗透问题。



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