首页> 外文期刊>Escola Anna Nery >First officer nurses of the military police of the state of Rio de Janeiro (1994-1995): incorporation of military habitus

First officer nurses of the military police of the state of Rio de Janeiro (1994-1995): incorporation of military habitus




Objective: To analyze the process of incorporation of the military habitus by trainee officer nurses during the Probation Internship for Officers Adaptation at the Officers Training School of the Military Police of the state of Rio de Janeiro. The time frame covers the period from 1994 to 1995. Methods: Socio-historical study whose primary sources consist of written documents from the collection of the Military Police and oral testimonies obtained through interviews with 10 officer nurses from the first group of the Health Officers Board. Data were organized, classified, and analyzed in accordance with the historical method and the theoretical framework of Pierre Bourdieu. Results: The officer nurses were subjected to a process of incorporation of the military habitus by learning gestures and postures associated with the strict discipline and hierarchy appropriate to the military life. Conclusion: Learning the military habitus was critical to the nurses' new professional and social positions.
机译:目的:分析里约热内卢州军事警察官兵训练学校实习生实习期间实习军官护士纳入军事习惯的过程。时间范围为1994年至1995年。方法:社会历史研究,其主要来源包括军事警察收集的书面文件和通过与第一批卫生官员委员会的10名护士的访谈获得的口头证词。 。根据Pierre Bourdieu的历史方法和理论框架对数据进行组织,分类和分析。结果:军官护士通过学习与适合军人生活的严格纪律和等级制度相关的手势和姿势,经历了军人习惯的融入过程。结论:学习军事习惯对护士的新职业和社会地位至关重要。



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