首页> 外文期刊>Egyptian journal of petroleum >Maximization of natural gas liquids production from an existing gas plant

Maximization of natural gas liquids production from an existing gas plant




It is known that the price of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is higher than that of natural gas from which it is derived. So the modification of a natural gas plant to produce LPG instead of lighter hydrocarbon gases is very important in the view point of economics. The aim of the present work is directed to the modification of Salam gas plant (Khalda Petroleum Company-Egypt) to produce LPG from the NGL instead of producing hydrocarbon gases during the NGL stabilization. This can be achieved after adding de-ethanizer and de-butanizer towers. The simulation tool used in this study is HYSYS version 8.4. The produced LPG of 100ton/day can participate to solve the LPG shortage problem in Egypt and provide a national service to the people of Matruh Governorate. The economic study based on the economic analyzer of HYSIS showed that the pay-back period of the added two towers and their additional equipment has a high investment strength which means that all modification costs will be recovered within a short time. Furthermore, there are other benefits from this modification. The simulation results showed that there is a capacity saving of 56tons/day in the export pipeline which transfers the gases to western desert gas complex (WDGC) at Alexandria. In the same manner, the modified plant provides a capacity saving of 88tons/day in the dehydration unit and reduces horse power consumption in recycle and first stage export compressors. This modification can be taken as guidelines for both new and plants in operation to increase their profits.
机译:众所周知,液化石油气(LPG)的价格高于其来源的天然气。因此,从经济学角度来看,改造天然气厂以生产LPG代替轻质烃类气体非常重要。当前工作的目的是对萨拉姆气厂(Khalda Petroleum Company-Egypt)进行改造,以从NGL生产液化石油气而不是在NGL稳定过程中生产烃气。这可以在添加脱乙烷塔和脱丁烷塔之后实现。本研究中使用的仿真工具是HYSYS 8.4版。每天生产的100吨液化石油气可以参与解决埃及的液化石油气短缺问题,并为马特鲁省人民提供全国服务。根据HYSIS经济分析仪进行的经济研究表明,增加的两座塔及其附加设备的投资回收期具有很高的投资强度,这意味着所有改建成本将在短时间内收回。此外,此修改还有其他好处。模拟结果表明,将天然气输送到亚历山大港的西部沙漠天然气联合体(WDGC)的出口管道每天可节省56吨产能。同样,改造后的工厂在脱水单元中可节省88吨/天的产能,并减少了循环和第一级出口压缩机中的马力消耗。此修改可以作为新工厂和正在运行的工厂增加利润的准则。



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