首页> 外文期刊>Ekonomska Istrazivanja >Determinants of SMEs’ performance: evidence from European countries

Determinants of SMEs’ performance: evidence from European countries




This article aims to examine how certain economic and social factors influence short- and long-term performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). SMEs' performance is defined by using the value added (VA) by SMEs, as a percent of the total VA by enterprises. The study targets European Union (EU) countries selected by the authors following a cluster analysis procedure. In order to obtain short- and long-term influences, an analysis that carries out three types of tests is conducted: testing stationarity, testing cointegration and testing causality between the indicators identified as influencing factors and the variable measuring the performance of SMEs. The novelty and originality of this research are defined in terms of addressing the performance of SMEs from a new perspective, using an econometric basis in a macroeconomic view. From an econometric perspective, the results are among the most varied, both in the long- and short-term, however they also have a correspondent economic explanation.



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