首页> 外文期刊>In die Skriflig >God se antwoord op geweld en land in Deuteronomium

God se antwoord op geweld en land in Deuteronomium




Deuteronomium getuig van God se besondere liefde soos Hy dit in verband met die Beloofde Land aan Israel betoon het. Sy bevoorregting van Israel asook sy betrokkenheid by geweld roep egter baie vrae en bespreking op. Twee aspekte wat nie in die besprekings daarvan werklik aandag kry nie, word in hierdie artikel ondersoek: enersyds die verantwoordelikheid en/of skuld van die menslike partye en andersyds dié van God. Die bevindinge is: (1) Nie die nasies of Israel kan God verwyt nie, want die nasies tree self gewelddadig en eksploiterend teenoor mekaar op. Mense bewoon die aarde ten koste van ander mense en ook ten koste van die aardeself. Hulle tree hardnekkig en opstandig op teen die Wet en die wil van God wat die beste vir hulle bedoel. Tog is God in beheer van alles wat gebeur, Hy is onbegryplik en sonder blaam, selfs wanneer Hy in en deur die sondige werklikheid optree. (2) Deuteronomium praat van God se krasse geweld én oorweldigende liefde en verkondig dat Hy die verantwoordelikheid en skuld van die sondige, opstandige mensdom op Hom neem. Hierop gee die Dienaarliedere van Jesaja nog duideliker lig. God moet veral teen hierdie positiewe getuienis waardeer word. Dit is Hy wat aan die werk is en daarom moet die situasie vanuit die oogpunt soos Hy Homself bekend maak, beoordeel word.God, violence, and land in Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy attests of God's exceptional love as proven to Israel in connection with the Promised Land. However, his preferential treatment of Israel and his involvement in violence invokes many questions and much debate. This article investigates two aspects, which do not really receive attention in the debate: on the one hand, human responsibility and guilt, and on the other hand that of God. The findings are: (1) Neither the nations nor Israel can reproach God, for they themselves act violently and exploitingly. They inhabit the earth at the expense of others and of the earth itself. They act obstinately toward the Law and the will of God, who has the best in mind for them. Even so,God is without blame, incomprehensibly in control of all that happens, even when he acts in and through the use of the sinful reality. (2) Deuteronomy testifies about God's severe violence ánd overpowering love. It is implicitly stated that God takes the responsibility and blame of sinful and rebellious humanity upon himself. The servant songs of Isaiah shed even more light on this issue. God must especially be appreciated by these positive testimonies and with complete trust in his unfathomable power and grace.
机译:申命记证明了神对以色列的特殊爱,因为他向应许之地展示了对以色列的爱。但是,他对以色列的特权以及他对暴力的参与引发了许多问题和讨论。本文探讨了在讨论中没有真正引起注意的两个方面:一方面是各方的责任和/或有罪感,另一方面是上帝的责任和/或有罪感。调查结果是:(1)列国和以色列都不能责怪上帝,因为列国本身对彼此进行暴力和剥削。人类以牺牲他人和地球本身为代价居住在地球上。他们顽固而叛逆地违反法律和最适合他们的上帝的旨意。然而,上帝掌控一切事情,即使他在罪恶的现实中或通过罪恶的现实行事,他也是不可理解的,没有责备。 (2)申命记谈到了上帝的残酷暴力和压倒性的爱,并宣告上帝要对有罪的叛逆人类承担责任和负罪感。以赛亚的仆人之歌对此有更多的启示。必须特别赞赏上帝反对这种积极的见证。正是他在工作,因此,当他向世人展示自己时,就必须从上帝,暴力和土地申命记的角度来判断情况。申命记证明了神对以色列与应许之地有关的特殊爱。但是,他对以色列的优待和他参与的暴力活动引起了许多问题和辩论。本文研究了两个方面,它们在辩论中并没有真正引起注意:一方面是人类的责任和内,另一方面是上帝的责任和内。调查结果是:(1)各国和以色列都不能责怪上帝,因为他们自己的行为是暴力和剥削的。他们以牺牲他人和地球本身为代价居住在地球上。他们顽固地遵守法律和上帝的旨意,上帝对他们而言是最好的。即使这样,上帝也没有责备,即使他在有罪的现实中或通过有罪的现实行事,也无法控制一切。 (2)申命记证明了上帝的严厉暴力和压倒性的爱。隐含地指出,上帝将罪恶和反叛人类的责任和责任归咎于他自己。以赛亚的仆人之歌在这个问题上有更多的启示。这些积极的见证必须使上帝特别感激,并完全相信他不可思议的能力和恩典。



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