首页> 外文期刊>Ekonomicke Trendy: vedecky casopis/scientific journal >Economic and mathematical models and methodical development of optimal water use artificial reservoirs in mountain regions of Uzbekistan

Economic and mathematical models and methodical development of optimal water use artificial reservoirs in mountain regions of Uzbekistan




The purpose of setting objectives integrated development and management of waterand land resources of mountainous regions of Uzbekistan with the help of economic andmathematical methods and models, and the use of the best approaches for solving this problem,and in the future to develop guidelines for the optimal use of water and land in the territoryof an artificial body of water and protection against corrosion ground. The solution tothese questions allows you not only to create new jobs, but also to accelerate the structuralchanges in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan. As well as the optimal use ofwater in the mountain regions of the country, will lead to the improvement of the cultivationof trees for the production of building materials (wood), eco-clean food products.



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