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Die liggaam-van-Christus-metafoor: instrument vir die effektiewe uitvoering van die missionale opdrag




The body-of-Christ-metaphor: instrument for the effective execution of the missional commission Practice suggests that many AFM pastors are possibly so busy with numerous tasks and responsibilities that they are unable to effectively mobilise their assembly members to actively partici- pate in voluntary acts of service (cf. Eph. 4:12). The conse- quence is that such assemblies are often unable to function effectively in the carrying out of the missional commission (according to Matt. 28:19). Pastors are unsuccessful in working more effectively through the mobilisation of their members as part-time voluntary workers in the carrying out of the missional commission, according to the advice Moses' father-in-law gave him (cf. Ex. 18). ? The mobilisation of members takes place through the empower- ing of members to discover and develop their gifts and allowing their involvement in voluntary acts of service. The emphasis of this article lies in what Hendriks (2004:11) calls “congregational theology”. According to Hendriks (2004:25) congregational theology is a theology being practised by body-of-Christ-meta- phor assemblies (cf. Eph. 4:11-16). The metaphor of assem- blies choosing to function as the body-of-Christ where the importance of the voluntary acts of service of members is emphasised enjoys further development in this article.
机译:基督的比喻:有效执行宣教委员会的手段实践表明,许多美国空军管理学院的牧师可能忙于许多任务和责任,以致于无法有效地动员集会成员积极参与自愿服务行为(参弗4:12)。结果是,这样的集会常常无法有效地执行任务委员会的任务(根据太28:19)。根据摩西岳父的建议,牧师未能通过动员他们的成员作为兼职志愿工作者来更有效地开展工作,这是根据摩西岳父的建议(见例18)。 ?会员的动员是通过授权会员发现和开发礼物并允许他们参与自愿服务行为来进行的。本文的重点在于Hendriks(2004:11)所说的“集体神学”。根据亨德里克斯(Hendriks,2004:25),公理神学是一种由基督肢体比喻集会实践的神学(参见弗4:11-16)。在本文中,强调选择成员充当基督身体的比喻得到了进一步的发展,其中强调了成员自愿服务的重要性。



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