首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Seasonal changes in leaf chemistry and leaf selection of the Japanese giant flying squirrel upon two tree species

Seasonal changes in leaf chemistry and leaf selection of the Japanese giant flying squirrel upon two tree species




Abstract Tree leaves are important food sources for arboreal herbivores, such as primates, rodents, and marsupials. These animals do not eat leaves randomly in habitats with many tree species but rather choose based on the chemical components of leaves, such as sugars, fibers, proteins, and toxins. However, the effects of the microscale distribution of these chemicals within each leaf have not been examined for these animals. The giant flying squirrels Petaurista leucogenys are entirely arboreal, nocturnal herbivores, usually feeding on leaves and dropping leaf debris on the ground after partially consuming them. Therefore, we could easily assess which species of trees and which parts of the individual leaves they preferred to eat. We also examined microscale distributions of phenolics, sugar, and water within individual leaves. Of the two dominant food tree species, the deciduous Quercus acutissima was preferred over the evergreen Q. sessilifolia . The latter tree is only used during winter to early spring when the former had no leaves. Our chemical analyses revealed that Q. acutissima contained much more glucose than Q. sessilifolia in all seasons. Three types of leaf debris, eaten apically, basally, or centrally with a hole, were found. In Q. sessilifolia , which had low phenolic concentrations, apical eating was most common, whereas central eating was rare. In Q. acutissima , which had high phenolics, basal or central eating was common. Central feeding may be caused by avoiding the periphery because of a higher phenolic concentration in the leaf margin. Thus, microscale distributions of phenolics within individual leaves affect which parts P. leucogenys eats, whereas leaf sugar concentration is an important factor affecting which species of leaves they eat.
机译:摘要树叶是植物性食草动物的重要食物来源,例如灵长类动物,啮齿动物和有袋动物。这些动物不会在有许多树种的栖息地中随机吃叶子,而是根据叶子的化学成分(例如糖,纤维,蛋白质和毒素)进行选择。但是,尚未针对这些动物检查这些化学物质在每片叶子内的微尺度分布的影响。巨大的松鼠Petaurista白血统完全是树栖的,夜间活动的食草动物,通常以叶片为食,部分食用后将其残渣掉落在地面上。因此,我们可以轻松地评估他们更喜欢吃哪种树种以及叶子的哪一部分。我们还检查了单个叶片中酚,糖和水的微观分布。在两种主要的食用树种中,落叶乔木比常绿的Q. sessilifolia更受欢迎。后一种树仅在冬天到初春时使用,而前者没有叶子。我们的化学分析表明,在所有季节中,剪冠棉所含的葡萄糖都比芝麻木所含的葡萄糖高得多。发现了三种类型的叶片碎片,分别在顶端,基部或中央有孔的情况下被食用。在低酚含量的芝麻小叶栎中,最常见的是根尖进食,而很少进食中枢性进食。在Q. acutissima中,酚含量高,经常进食基础食物或中枢食物。集中进食可能是由于叶缘中较高的酚类浓度而避免了周围环境而引起的。因此,酚类化合物在单个叶片中的微量分布会影响白粉病菌食用哪些部分,而叶片糖浓度是影响它们食用哪种叶片的重要因素。



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