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Regional and local patterns of genetic variation and structure in yellow‐necked mice ‐ the roles of geographic distance, population abundance, and winter severity




The goal of this study, conducted in seven large woodlands and three areas with small woodlots in northeastern Poland in 2004–2008, was to infer genetic structure in yellow‐necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis population and to evaluate the roles of environmental and population ecology variables in shaping the spatial pattern of genetic variation using 768 samples genotyped at 13 microsatellite loci. Genetic variation was very high in all studied regions. The primal genetic subdivision was observed between the northern and the southern parts of the study area, which harbored two major clusters and the intermediate area of highly admixed individuals. The probability of assignment of individual mice to the northern cluster increased significantly with lower temperatures of January and July and declined in regions with higher proportion of deciduous and mixed forests. Despite the detected structure, genetic differentiation among regions was very low. Fine‐scale structure was shaped by the population density, whereas higher level structure was mainly shaped by geographic distance. Genetic similarity indices were highly influenced by mouse abundance (which positively correlated with the share of deciduous forests in the studied regions) and exhibited the greatest change between 0 and 1?km in the forests, 0 and 5?km in small woodlots. Isolation by distance pattern, calculated among regions, was highly significant but such relationship between genetic and geographic distance was much weaker, and held the linearity at very fine scale (~1.5?km), when analyses were conducted at individual level.
机译:这项研究的目的是在2004-2008年在波兰东北部的七个大林地和三个小林地进行研究,目的是推断黄颈小鼠姬鼠(Apodemus flavicollis)种群的遗传结构,并评估环境和种群生态学变量的作用。利用在13个微卫星基因座上进行基因分型的768个样本,塑造了遗传变异的空间格局。在所有研究区域中,遗传变异都很高。在研究区域的北部和南部之间观察到原始遗传细分,该区域包含两个主要簇和高度混合个体的中间区域。随着一月和七月温度的降低,个体小鼠分配到北部集群的可能性显着增加,而在落叶林和混交林比例较高的地区则有所下降。尽管检测到结构,但是区域之间的遗传分化非常低。规模结构是由人口密度决定的,而高层结构主要是由地理距离决定的。遗传相似性指数受小鼠丰度的影响很大(与研究区域的落叶林份额呈正相关),并且在森林中0和1?km之间,在小林地中0和5?km之间表现出最大的变化。通过区域间计算得出的距离模式隔离非常重要,但是遗传和地理距离之间的这种关系要弱得多,并且在个体水平上进行分析时,线性保持在非常精细的范围内(约1.5?km)。



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