首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Unexpected prey of juvenile spotted scat ( Scatophagus argus ) near a wharf: The prevalence of fouling organisms in stomach contents

Unexpected prey of juvenile spotted scat ( Scatophagus argus ) near a wharf: The prevalence of fouling organisms in stomach contents

机译:码头附近出现未预见的小斑点(Scatophagus argus)的猎物:脏物在胃内容物中的普遍存在



A knowledge of fish diets can contribute to revealing the trophic role and ecological function of species in aquatic ecosystems. At present, however, there are no efficient or comprehensive methods for analyzing fish diets. In this study, we investigated the diets of juvenile Scatophagus argus collected near a wharf in Daya Bay, China, by dissection and high‐throughput sequencing (HTS) using the 18S rDNA V4 region. Microscopy disclosed large amounts of bryozoans and unrecognizable detritus. In contrast, HTS analysis indicated that the fish diets were considerably more diverse than visual inspection suggested. After eliminating fish sequences, approximately 17,000 sequences from taxa in nine phyla (Ciliophora, Bryozoa, Annelida, Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, Arthropoda, Dinoflagellata, Tunicata, and Phaeophyta) were identified from the analysis of stomach contents. Twenty‐one food categories were identified, most of which (95.2%) were benthic fouling organisms that could easily be collected around wharfs. These consisted of bryozoans (31.9%), ciliates (45.7%), polychaetes (14.6%), and green algae (3.0%). Therefore, to adapt to anthropogenic habitat modification, the fish had probably shifted from planktonic to benthic feeding. The prevalence of fouling organisms in the stomachs of juvenile S.?argus indicates that the fish have responded to habitat changes by widening their food spectrum. This adaptation may have increased their chances of survival. The fouling organisms that inhabit highly perturbed coastal ecosystems could represent a food source for animals at higher trophic levels. Our results accordingly suggest that human activity might significantly influence fish feeding behavior and material transfer along the food chain.
机译:对鱼类饮食的了解有助于揭示水生生态系统中物种的营养作用和生态功能。但是,目前没有有效或综合的方法来分析鱼的饮食。在这项研究中,我们通过解剖和使用18S rDNA V4区域的高通量测序(HTS),对在中国大亚湾附近一个码头附近收集的未成年人石ato食性进行了调查。显微镜检查显示大量的苔藓虫和无法识别的碎屑。相反,高温超导分析表明,鱼的饮食比目视检查所建议的要多样化得多。消除鱼类序列后,通过分析胃内容物,从九个门类(纤毛虫,Bryozoa,Annelida,杆菌属,绿藻,节肢动物,Dinoflagellata,Tunicata和Phaeophyta)的类群中大约鉴定了17,000个序列。确定了21种食物类别,其中大多数(95.2%)是底栖污垢生物,可以很容易地在码头周围收集它们。这些由苔藓动物(31.9%),纤毛虫(45.7%),多毛动物(14.6%)和绿藻(3.0%)组成。因此,为了适应人为生境的改变,鱼类可能已从浮游式改为底栖式喂养。幼小沙门氏菌胃中普遍存在结垢生物,这表明鱼通过扩大其食物谱对生境变化做出了反应。这种适应可能增加了他们的生存机会。栖息在高度动荡的沿海生态系统中的污损生物可能是营养水平较高的动物的食物来源。因此,我们的结果表明,人类活动可能会极大地影响鱼类的摄食行为和食物链上的物质转移。



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