首页> 外文期刊>Earthquake Science >Estimation of postseismic deformation parameters from continuous GPS data in northern Sumatra after the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake

Estimation of postseismic deformation parameters from continuous GPS data in northern Sumatra after the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake




Abstract Continuous global positioning system (GPS) in northern Sumatra detected signal of the ongoing physical process of postseismic deformation after the M 9.2 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake. We analyze the characteristics of postseismic deformation of the 2004 earthquake based on GPS networks operated by BIG, and the others named AGNeSS, and SuGAr networks located in northern Sumatra. We use a simple analytical logarithmic and exponential function to evaluate the postseismic deformation parameters of the 2004 earthquake. We find that GPS data in northern Sumatra during time periods of 2005–2012 are fit better using the logarithmic function with τ log of 104.2?±?0.1 than using the exponential function. Our result clearly indicates that other physical mechanisms of postseismic deformation should be taken into account rather than a single physical mechanism of afterslip only.
机译:摘要2004年苏门答腊-安达曼M 9.2级地震后,苏门答腊北部的连续全球定位系统(GPS)检测到正在进行的地震变形物理过程的信号。我们基于BIG运营的GPS网络以及其他名为AGNeSS的GPS网络和位于苏门答腊北部的SuGAr网络,分析了2004年地震的地震后变形特征。我们使用简单的对数和指数分析函数来评估2004年地震的地震后变形参数。我们发现,使用对数函数(τlog为104.2?±?0.1)比使用指数函数更好地拟合了苏门答腊北部2005-2012年的GPS数据。我们的结果清楚地表明,应考虑地震后变形的其他物理机制,而不是仅考虑后滑的单个物理机制。



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