首页> 外文期刊>Earth Surface Dynamics >Impact of change in erosion rate and landscape steepness on hillslope and fluvial sediments grain size in the Feather River basin (Sierra Nevada, California)

Impact of change in erosion rate and landscape steepness on hillslope and fluvial sediments grain size in the Feather River basin (Sierra Nevada, California)




The characteristics of the sediment transported by rivers (e.g. sedimentflux, grain size distribution – GSD) dictate whether rivers aggrade or erodetheir substrate. They also condition the architecture and properties ofsedimentary successions in basins. In this study, we investigate therelationship between landscape steepness and the grain size of hillslope andfluvial sediments. The study area is located within the Feather River basinin northern California, and studied basins are underlain exclusively bytonalite lithology. Erosion rates in the study area vary over an order ofmagnitude, from >250 mm ka?1 in the Feather River canyon to<15 mm ka?1 on an adjacent low-relief plateau. We find that thecoarseness of hillslope sediment increases with increasing hillslopesteepness and erosion rates. We hypothesise that, in our soil samples, themeasured 10-fold increase in D50 and doubling of the amount offragments larger than 1 mm when slope increases from 0.38 to 0.83 m m?1 is dueto a decrease in the residence time of rock fragments, causing particles tobe exposed for shorter periods of time to processes that can reduce grainsize. For slopes in excess of 0.7 m m?1, landslides and scree cones supplymuch coarser sediment to rivers, with D50 and D84 more than oneorder of magnitude larger than in soils. In the tributary basins of theFeather River, a prominent break in slope developed in response to the rapidincision of the Feather River. Downstream of the break in slope, fluvialsediment grain size increases, due to an increase in flow competence (mostlydriven by channel steepening) as well as a change in sediment source and insediment dynamics: on the plateau upstream of the break in slope, riverstransport easily mobilised fine-grained sediment derived exclusively fromsoils. Downstream of the break in slope, mass wasting processes supply awide range of grain sizes that rivers entrain selectively, depending on thecompetence of their flow. Our results also suggest that, in this study site,hillslopes respond rapidly to an increase in the rate of base-level loweringcompared to rivers.
机译:河流输送的沉积物的特征(例如,沉积物通量,粒度分布– GSD)决定了河流是侵蚀性的还是侵蚀性的。它们还限制了盆地沉积相演替的结构和性质。在这项研究中,我们研究了景观陡度与山坡和河流沉积物的粒径之间的关系。研究区位于加利福尼亚州北部的羽毛河盆地内,被研究的盆地仅以玄武岩岩性为基础。研究区域的侵蚀率在一个数量级上变化,从羽毛河峡谷中的> 250 mm ka ?1 到相邻低洼地区的<15 mm ka ?1 。救济高原。我们发现山坡沉积物的粗度随着山坡陡度和侵蚀速率的增加而增加。我们假设,在土壤样品中,当坡度从0.38增大到0.83 mm <时,测得的 D 50 增大了10倍,而大于1 mm的细化量增加了一倍sup>?1 是由于岩石碎片的停留时间减少,导致颗粒在较短时间内暴露于可以减小晶粒尺寸的过程中。对于超过0.7 mm ?1 的斜坡,滑坡和碎石锥向河流供应更多的较粗的沉积物, D 50 和 D < / i> 84 比土壤大一个数量级。在羽毛河的支流盆地中,由于羽毛河的迅速切割,斜坡出现了明显的断裂。在坡度折断的下游,由于水流能力的增加(主要是由河道变陡驱动)以及沉积物来源和沉积物动力学的变化,河流沉积物的粒度增加了:在坡折断的上游高原,河流运输很容易动员仅来自土壤的细颗粒沉积物。在坡度折断的下游,大量浪费过程提供了范围广泛的粒度,河流可以根据河流的流动能力选择性地夹带这些粒度。我们的结果还表明,在这个研究地点,与河流相比,坡度对基础水位下降速度的增加有快速的反应。



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