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Offspring size at weaning affects survival to recruitment and reproductive performance of primiparous gray seals




AbstractOffspring size affects survival and subsequent reproduction in many organisms. However, studies of offspring size in large mammals are often limited to effects on juveniles because of the difficulty of following individuals to maturity. We used data from a long-term study of individually marked gray seals (Halichoerus grypus; Fabricius, 1791) to test the hypothesis that larger offspring have higher survival to recruitment and are larger and more successful primiparous mothers than smaller offspring. Between 1998 and 2002, 1182 newly weaned female pups were branded with unique permanent marks on Sable Island, Canada. Each year through 2012, all branded females returning to the breeding colony were identified in weekly censuses and a subset were captured and measured. Females that survived were significantly longer offspring than those not sighted, indicating size-selective mortality between weaning and recruitment. The probability of female survival to recruitment varied among cohorts and increased nonlinearly with body mass at weaning. Beyond 51.5 kg (mean population weaning mass) weaning mass did not influence the probability of survival. The probability of female survival to recruitment increased monotonically with body length at weaning. Body length at primiparity was positively related to her body length and mass at weaning. Three-day postpartum mass (proxy for birth mass) of firstborn pups was also positively related to body length of females when they were weaned. However, females that were longer or heavier when they were weaned did not wean heavier firstborn offspring.
机译:摘要后代的大小影响许多生物的生存和随后的繁殖。然而,由于很难追踪个体的成熟,因此在大型哺乳动物中对后代大小的研究通常仅限于对幼体的影响。我们使用对单个标记的灰海豹(Halichoerus grypus; Fabricius,1791)进行的长期研究得出的数据来检验以下假设:较大的后代比较小的后代具有更高的存活存活率,并且是更大,更成功的初产母亲。在1998年至2002年之间,在加拿大黑貂岛上有1182头刚断奶的雌性幼犬带有永久商标。截止到2012年,每年都会通过每周一次的普查确定所有返回繁殖地的烙印雌性,并对其进行捕获和测量。存活下来的雌性的后代比没有看见的雌性要长得多,这表明在断奶和募集之间有大小选择的死亡率。女性存活的可能性在不同人群之间有所不同,并且在断奶时随体重呈非线性增加。超过51.5千克(平均人口断奶量),断奶量不会影响生存的可能性。断奶时女性存活的可能性随体长单调增加。初产时的身长与断奶时的身长和体重呈正相关。初生幼仔断奶后三天的产后质量(代孕质量)也与雌性体长呈正相关。但是,断奶时更长或更重的雌性并没有断发较重的后代。



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