首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Complex pattern of genetic structuring in the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) of the River Foyle system in northwest Ireland: disentangling the evolutionary signal from population stochasticity

Complex pattern of genetic structuring in the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) of the River Foyle system in northwest Ireland: disentangling the evolutionary signal from population stochasticity

机译:爱尔兰西北部福伊尔河系统大西洋鲑(Salmo salar L.)的遗传结构复杂模式:从种群随机性中解脱进化信号



AbstractLittle is known about the microevolutionary processes shaping within river population genetic structure of aquatic organisms characterized by high levels of homing and spawning site fidelity. Using a microsatellite panel, we observed complex and highly significant levels of intrariver population genetic substructure and Isolation-by-Distance, in the Atlantic salmon stock of a large river system. Two evolutionary models have been considered explaining mechanisms promoting genetic substructuring in Atlantic salmon, the member-vagrant and metapopulation models. We show that both models can be simultaneously used to explain patterns and levels of population structuring within the Foyle system. We show that anthropogenic factors have had a large influence on contemporary population structure observed. In an analytical development, we found that the frequently used estimator of genetic differentiation, F ST, routinely underestimated genetic differentiation by a factor three to four compared to the equivalent statistic Jost's D est (Jost 2008). These statistics also showed a near-perfect correlation. Despite ongoing discussions regarding the usefulness of “adjusted”F ST statistics, we argue that these could be useful to identify and quantify qualitative differences between populations, which are important from management and conservation perspectives as an indicator of existence of biologically significant variation among tributary populations or a warning of critical environmental damage.
机译:摘要人们对以高水平归巢和产卵场保真度为特征的水生生物的河口种群遗传结构内的微观进化过程了解甚少。使用微卫星面板,我们在大型河流系统的大西洋鲑鱼种群中观察到了复杂且高度重要的河内种群遗传亚结构和按距离隔离。已经考虑了两种进化模型来解释促进大西洋鲑鱼遗传子结构的机制,成员无用和代谢种群模型。我们表明,这两个模型可以同时用于解释Foyle系统内的人口结构模式和水平。我们表明,人为因素对当代人口结构有很大的影响。在分析开发中,我们发现,与同等统计量的Jost's D est ST 通常低估了遗传分化三到四倍。 >(2008年1月)。这些统计数据也显示出近乎完美的相关性。尽管正在进行有关“调整后的” F ST 统计数据的有效性的讨论,但我们认为,这些数据可能有助于识别和量化种群之间的质量差异,从管理和保护的角度来看,这是重要的,可以作为一种生存指标支流种群之间生物学上的显着差异或对环境造成严重损害的警告。



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