首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Desert salt flats as oases for the spider Saltonia incerta Banks (Araneae: Dictynidae)

Desert salt flats as oases for the spider Saltonia incerta Banks (Araneae: Dictynidae)

机译:沙漠盐滩作为蜘蛛Saltonia incerta Banks(绿毛虫:Dictynidae)的绿洲



AbstractThe deserts of southwestern North America have undergone dramatic changes over their recent geological history including large changes in size and connectivity during the Pleistocene glaciopluvial cycles. This study examines the population history of the rare spider Saltonia incerta, once thought to be extinct, to determine the role of past climatological events in shaping the structure of the species. This species is restricted to salt crusts of intermittent or dry lakes, streams or rivers in the desert southwest, a region that was much wetter during glacial periods. We examine the distribution and genetic variability of populations to test whether there is recent dispersal throughout the range of the species. Analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA indicate significant population structure, with one major clade comprising New Mexico localities and one comprising California-northern Baja California localities. Finer-scale structure is evident within the California clade, although not all of the subclades are reciprocally monophyletic. However, isolation with migration analysis suggests that migration is very low to non-existent. These results extend the known distribution of Saltonia, provide genetic evidence of strong isolation among localities within drainage basins and between drainage basins and provide a mechanistic understanding of population connectivity after the aridification of the American southwest. The implication is that although the species' distribution has been fragmented, populations have persisted throughout this area, suggesting that desert salt flats may have served as refugia for at least some terrestrial species.
机译:摘要北美西南部的沙漠在其最近的地质历史上经历了巨大的变化,包括在更新世冰川积雨周期中大小和连通性的巨大变化。这项研究检查了曾经被认为已灭绝的稀有蜘蛛盐沼(Saltonia incerta)的种群历史,以确定过去的气候事件在塑造该物种结构中的作用。该物种仅限于西南沙漠中断断续续或干燥的湖泊,溪流或河流的盐壳,该地区在冰川时期湿润得多。我们检查了种群的分布和遗传变异性,以检验在整个物种范围内是否存在最近的扩散。线粒体和核DNA的分析表明种群结构很重要,其中一个主要分支包括新墨西哥州,一个主要分支包括加利福尼亚北下加利福尼亚州。在加利福尼亚进化枝中,更小规模的结构是显而易见的,尽管并不是所有的进化枝都是单亲的。但是,与迁移分析的隔离表明迁移非常低,甚至根本不存在。这些结果扩展了Saltonia的已知分布,提供了流域内以及流域之间局部强烈隔离的遗传证据,并在美国西南部干旱化之后提供了对人口连通性的机械理解。这意味着尽管该物种的分布已经分散,但整个区域的种群数量仍然存在,这表明沙漠盐滩可能已成为至少某些陆地物种的避难所。



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