首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Duration of the parasitic phase determines subsequent performance in juvenile freshwater pearl mussels ( Margaritifera margaritifera)

Duration of the parasitic phase determines subsequent performance in juvenile freshwater pearl mussels ( Margaritifera margaritifera)

机译:寄生阶段的持续时间决定了幼年淡水贻贝(Margaritifera margaritifera)的后续表现



Abstract Host?¢????parasite systems have been useful in understanding coevolutionary patterns in sympatric species. Based on the exceptional interaction of the long-lived and highly host-specific freshwater pearl mussel (FPM; Margaritifera margaritifera ) with its much shorter-lived host fish ( Salmo trutta or Salmo salar ), we tested the hypotheses that a longer duration of the parasitic phase increases fitness-related performance of mussels in their subsequent post parasitic phase, and that temperature is the main factor governing the duration of the parasitic phase. We collected juvenile mussels from naturally and artificially infested fish from eight rivers in Norway. Excysted juvenile mussels were maintained separately for each collection day, under similar temperature and food regimes, for up to 56 days. We recorded size at excystment, post excystment growth, and survival as indicators of juvenile fitness in relation to the duration of the parasitic phase. We also recorded the daily average temperatures for the entire excystment period. We observed strong positive relationships between the length of the parasitic phase and the post parasitic growth rate, size at excystment and post parasitic survival. Temperature was identified as an important factor governing excystment, with higher temperatures decreasing the duration of the parasitic phase. Our results indicate that juvenile mussels with the longest parasitic phase have better resources (larger size and better growth rate) to start their benthic developmental phase and therefore to survive their first winter. Consequently, the parasitic phase is crucial in determining subsequent survival. The temperature dependence of this interaction suggests that climate change may affect the sensitive relationship between endangered FPMs and their fish hosts.
机译:摘要寄主寄生虫系统对于理解同胞物种的共进化模式很有用。基于长期且高度宿主特异性的淡水珍珠贻贝(FPM; Margaritifera margaritifera)与寿命较短的宿主鱼(Salmo trutta或Salmo salar)的特殊相互作用,我们检验了假设寄生相增加了贻贝在随后的寄生后阶段的适应性相关性能,而温度是决定寄生相持续时间的主要因素。我们从挪威的八条河流中的天然和人工感染的鱼中收集了贻贝。在相似的温度和食物条件下,每个采集日将成囊的幼贻贝分别保存长达56天。我们记录了囊肿的大小,囊肿后的生长和存活率,作为与寄生虫阶段的持续时间相关的幼体适应性指标。我们还记录了整个拔除期的每日平均温度。我们观察到寄生期的长度与寄生后的生长速度,囊肿大小和寄生后的存活之间存在强的正相关关系。温度被确定为控制囊肿的重要因素,较高的温度会降低寄生相的持续时间。我们的结果表明,寄生阶段最长的幼贻贝具有更好的资源(更大的规模和更好的生长速度)来开始其底栖生物发育阶段,从而能够度过第一个冬季。因此,寄生阶段对于确定随后的生存至关重要。这种相互作用对温度的依赖性表明,气候变化可能会影响濒临灭绝的FPM及其鱼类寄主之间的敏感关系。


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