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Urbanization and the temporal patterns of social networks and group foraging behaviors




Urbanization causes dramatic and rapid changes to natural environments, which can lead the animals inhabiting these habitats to adjust their behavioral responses. For social animals, urbanized environments may alter group social dynamics through modification of the external environment (e.g., resource distribution). This might lead to changes in how individuals associate or engage in group behaviors, which could alter the stability and characteristics of social groups. However, the potential impacts of urban habitat use, and of habitat characteristics in general, on the nature and stability of social associations remain poorly understood. Here, we quantify social networks and dynamics of group foraging behaviors of black‐capped chickadees ( N ?=?82, Poecile atricapillus ), at four urban and four rural sites weekly throughout the nonbreeding season using feeders with radio frequency identification of individual birds. Because anthropogenic food sources in urban habitats (e.g., bird feeders) provide abundant and reliable resources, we predicted that social foraging associations may be of less value in urban groups, and thus would be less consistent than in rural groups. Additionally, decreased variability of food resources in urban habitats could lead to more predictable foraging patterns (group size, foraging duration, and the distribution of foraging events) in contrast to rural habitats. Networks were found to be highly consistent through time in both urban and rural habitats. No significant difference was found in the temporal clumping of foraging events between habitats. However, as predicted, the repeatability of the clumping of foraging events in time was significantly higher in urban than rural habitats. Our results suggest that individuals living in urban areas have more consistent foraging behaviors throughout the nonbreeding season, whereas rural individuals adjust their tactics due to less predictable foraging conditions. This first examination of habitat‐related differences in the characteristics and consistency of social networks along an urbanization gradient suggests that anthropic habitat use results in subtle modifications in social foraging patterns. Future studies should examine potential implications of these differences for variation in predation risk, energy intake, and information flow.
机译:城市化导致自然环境发生急剧而迅速的变化,这可能导致居住在这些栖息地的动物调整其行为反应。对于社会动物而言,城市化环境可能会通过修改外部环境(例如资源分配)来改变群体社会动态。这可能会导致个人关联或参与团体行为的方式发生变化,从而可能改变社会团体的稳定性和特征。但是,人们对城市居民区的使用以及总体上居民区特征对社会协会的性质和稳定性的潜在影响知之甚少。在这里,我们使用饲养带和单个鸟的无线电频率识别,在整个非繁殖季节每周对四个市区和四个乡村站点的黑冠山雀(N == 82,波奇耳tric)的群觅食行为的社交网络和动态进行定量。由于城市栖息地中的人为食物来源(例如喂鸟器)提供了丰富而可靠的资源,因此我们预测社会觅食协会在城市群体中的价值可能较低,因此与农村群体相比不那么稳定。此外,与农村生境相比,城市生境中粮食资源变异性的降低可能导致更可预测的觅食模式(群体规模,觅食持续时间和觅食事件的分布)。人们发现,城市和农村地区的网络在时间上都是高度一致的。在生境之间觅食事件的时间丛集上没有发现显着差异。但是,正如预测的那样,城市中的觅食事件在时间上的可重复性明显高于农村生境。我们的研究结果表明,居住在城市地区的个体在整个非繁殖季节都有更一致的觅食行为,而农村个体则由于难以预测的觅食条件而调整了自己的策略。第一次对与栖息地相关的城市网络梯度特征和社会网络一致性差异的研究表明,人类对栖息地的利用导致了社会觅食方式的微妙变化。未来的研究应研究这些差异对捕食风险,能量摄入和信息流变化的潜在影响。



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