首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Population genetic analysis reveals a geographically limited transition zone between two genetically distinct Atlantic salmon lineages in Norway

Population genetic analysis reveals a geographically limited transition zone between two genetically distinct Atlantic salmon lineages in Norway




Atlantic salmon is characterized by a high degree of population genetic structure throughout its native range. However, while populations inhabiting rivers in Norway and Russia make up a significant proportion of salmon in the Atlantic, thus far, genetic studies in this region have only encompassed low to modest numbers of populations. Here, we provide the first “in‐depth” investigation of population genetic structuring in the species in this region. Analysis of 18 microsatellites on 9,000 fish from 115 rivers revealed highly significant population genetic structure throughout, following a hierarchical pattern. The highest and clearest level of division separated populations north and south of the Lofoten region in northern Norway. In this region, only a few populations displayed intermediate genetic profiles, strongly indicating a geographically limited transition zone. This was further supported by a dedicated cline analysis. Population genetic structure was also characterized by a pattern of isolation by distance. A decline in overall genetic diversity was observed from the south to the north, and two of the microsatellites showed a clear decrease in number of alleles across the observed transition zone. Together, these analyses support results from previous studies, that salmon in Norway originate from two main genetic lineages, one from the Barents–White Sea refugium that recolonized northern Norwegian and adjacent Russian rivers, and one from the eastern Atlantic that recolonized the rest of Norway. Furthermore, our results indicate that local conditions in the limited geographic transition zone between the two observed lineages, characterized by open coastline with no obvious barriers to gene flow, are strong enough to maintain the genetic differentiation between them.
机译:大西洋鲑的特征是在其整个本地范围内具有高度的种群遗传结构。但是,尽管挪威和俄罗斯的河流居民居住在大西洋中的鲑鱼中占很大比例,但到目前为止,该地区的遗传研究只涵盖了中低数量的人口。在这里,我们提供了对该地区物种种群遗传结构的首次“深入”研究。对来自115条河流的9,000多条鱼类上的18个微卫星的分析显示,整个种群的遗传结构遵循等级模式。挪威北部罗弗敦地区北部和南部的最高和最清楚的划分级别是人口分离。在该区域,只有少数种群显示出中间的遗传图谱,有力地表明了地理上有限的过渡带。专门的在线分析进一步支持了这一点。种群遗传结构的特征还在于通过距离隔离的模式。从南部到北部观察到总体遗传多样性下降,并且其中两个微卫星在整个观察到的过渡带显示等位基因数量明显减少。综合起来,这些分析支持了先前研究的结果,即挪威的鲑鱼来自两个主要的遗传谱系,一个来自重新定居挪威北部和相邻俄罗斯河流的巴伦支白海避难所,另一个定居了挪威其他地区的东部大西洋。 。此外,我们的结果表明,两个观察到的谱系之间有限的地理过渡带中的局部条件具有足够的强度,足以维持它们之间的遗传分化,其特征是开放的海岸线对基因流没有明显的障碍。



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