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Crossing the Pillars of Hercules: Understanding transoceanic migrations of seabirds throughout their breeding range




Variability in long‐distance migration strategies is still poorly understood due to the fact that individuals are often tracked from a single colony/population. Transoceanic migrations of Scopoli's shearwaters ( Calonectris diomedea ) across the Strait of Gibraltar (SoG) have been tracked from several breeding colonies isolatedly, and factors related to the variability in phenological schedules among different populations remain, therefore, not well‐understood. Using light‐level geolocator data, I examined the autumn (postbreeding) and spring (prebreeding) migratory passage dates through SoG of four populations of Scopoli's shearwater spread along the longitudinal breeding range of the species. Additionally, I also estimated the at‐sea activity patterns (from immersion data) during both migratory passages, as well as the body size (from morphometric data) of the individuals of these populations. On average, Scopoli's shearwaters leave the Mediterranean (cross SoG) on 31 October?±?1.8?days on their autumn migrations and return on 03 March?±?1.6?days on their spring migrations. At the population level, there was a clear gradient in the timing of crossing SoG: birds from the westernmost populations (Murcia, SE Spain) were the first ones in leaving the Mediterranean while easternmost breeders (Paximada, Crete) were the last ones. In spring, only birds from the largest breeding population (Zembra, Tunisia) seemed to advance their return and crossed SoG significantly earlier than birds tracked at the remaining populations. In both passages, shearwaters from central and eastern populations spent more time flying than their conspecifics from the western Mediterranean. Scopoli's shearwater populations display a differential phenology and behavior in their migratory passages through SoG. The longitudinal gradient in body size already reported for the species could be an evolutionary response to an obvious trade‐off between sharing common wintering grounds in the Atlantic Ocean and the temporal constraints of restoring physiological condition in those grounds. OPEN RESEARCH BADGES This article has earned an Open Data Badge for making publicly available the digitally‐shareable data necessary to reproduce the reported results. The data is available at https://hdl.handle.net/2445/128784 .
机译:由于人们经常从单个殖民地/人口中追踪个人,因此对长距离迁移策略中的变异性仍然知之甚少。已经从几个繁殖群体中追踪到了直布罗陀海峡(SoG)的斯科波里的剪毛水(Calonectris diomedea)的越洋迁徙,并且与不同种群之间物候方案的可变性有关的因素仍然存在,因此人们对此尚不了解。我使用轻型地理定位器数据,研究了沿着该物种纵向繁殖范围分布的四个Scopoli剪切水种群的SoG的秋季(繁殖后)和春季(繁殖前)通过SoG的通过日期。此外,我还估计了两次迁徙过程中的海上活动模式(根据沉浸数据)以及这些人群中个体的体型(根据形态测量数据)。平均而言,Scopoli的切水在秋季迁徙的10月31日±1.8天离开地中海(穿过SoG),并在春季迁徙的3月3日±1.6天返回地中海。在种群水平上,穿越SoG的时间存在明显的梯度:最西端种群(穆尔西亚,西班牙东南部)的鸟类是离开地中海的第一批鸟类,而最东部种群(帕克西马达,克里特岛)则是最后一批。在春季,只有最大繁殖种群(突尼斯的斑马)的鸟类似乎提前返回并越过SoG,比在其余种群中追踪的鸟类早得多。在这两个通道中,来自中部和东部人口的剪切水比其来自西地中海的同种花的飞行时间更长。 Scopoli的切水种群在通过SoG的迁徙通道中表现出不同的物候和行为。该物种已经报道的体长的纵向梯度可能是对大西洋中共同的越冬地与恢复这些地生理条件的时间限制之间的明显权衡的进化反应。开放研究徽章本文因公开提供了再现报告结果所必需的数字共享数据而赢得了“开放数据徽章”。数据可从https://hdl.handle.net/2445/128784获得。



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