首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Invasion genetics from eDNA and thousands of larvae: A targeted metabarcoding assay that distinguishes species and population variation of zebra and quagga mussels

Invasion genetics from eDNA and thousands of larvae: A targeted metabarcoding assay that distinguishes species and population variation of zebra and quagga mussels




Identifying species and population genetic compositions of biological invasions at early life stages and/or from environmental (e)DNA using targeted high‐throughput sequencing (HTS) metabarcode assays offers powerful and cost‐effective means for early detection, analysis of spread patterns, and evaluating population changes. The present study develops, tests, and applies this method with a targeted sequence assay designed to simultaneously identify and distinguish between the closely related invasive Eurasian zebra and quagga mussels ( Dreissena polymorpha and D.?rostriformis ) and their relatives and discern their respective population genetic patterns. Invasions of these dreissenid mussel species have markedly changed freshwater ecosystems throughout North America and Europe, exerting severe ecological and economic damage. Their planktonic early life stages (eggs and larvae) are morphologically indistinguishable, yet each species exerts differential ecological effects, with the quagga often outcompeting the zebra mussel as adults. Our targeted assay analyzes genetic variation from a diagnostic sequence region of the mitochondrial (mt)DNA cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene, to assess temporal and spatial inter‐ and intra‐specific genetic variability. The assay facilitates analysis of environmental (e)DNA from water, early life stages from thousands of individuals, and simultaneous analysis of 50–100 tagged field‐collected samples. Experiments evaluated its accuracy and performance using: (a) mock laboratory communities containing known DNA quantities per taxon, (b) aquaria with mixed‐species/haplotype compositions of adults, and (c) field‐collected water and plankton versus traditional sampling of adult communities. Results delineated species compositions, relative abundances, and population‐level diversity differences among ecosystems, habitats, time series, and life stages from two allopatric concurrent invasions in the Great Lakes (Lake Erie) and the Hudson River, which had separate founding histories. Findings demonstrate application of this targeted assay and our approach to accurately and simultaneously discern species‐ and population‐level differences across spatial and temporal scales, facilitating early detection and ecological understanding of biological invasions.
机译:使用靶向的高通量测序(HTS)元条形码测定法在生命早期和/或从环境(e)DNA鉴定生物入侵的物种和种群遗传组成,为早期发现,传播模式分析和评估人口变化。本研究开发,测试并将此方法与目标序列测定法结合使用,旨在同时鉴定和区分密切相关的侵入性欧亚斑马和斑贝贻贝(Dreissena polymorpha和D.?rostriformis)及其近亲,并辨别它们各自的种群遗传模式。这些苔藓类贻贝物种的入侵已明显改变了整个北美和欧洲的淡水生态系统,对生态和经济造成了严重破坏。它们的浮游生物早期阶段(卵和幼虫)在形态上是无法区分的,但是每种物种都发挥着不同的生态作用,成年时斑马羚通常比斑马贻贝更胜一筹。我们的靶向测定分析了线粒体(mt)DNA细胞色素氧化酶I(COI)基因诊断序列区域的遗传变异,以评估时间和空间种间和种内遗传变异性。该测定法有助于分析水中的环境(e)DNA,成千上万的人的早期生命阶段,以及同时分析50–100个带标签的现场采集样品。实验使用以下方法评估了其准确性和性能:(a)包含每个分类单元已知DNA数量的模拟实验室群落;(b)具有成年物种/单倍型混合物种的水族箱;(c)现场采集的水和浮游生物与传统成年采样相比社区。结果描述了大湖(伊利湖)和哈德逊河两次异地同时入侵的生态系统,栖息地,时间序列和生命阶段之间的物种组成,相对丰度以及种群水平的多样性差异,这两次入侵具有不同的建立历史。研究结果证明了这种有针对性的检测方法的应用以及我们的方法在空间和时间尺度上准确并同时识别物种和种群水平差异的方法,从而促进了对生物入侵的早期发现和生态学理解。



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