首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >Trends and uncertainties in budburst projections of Norway spruce in Northern Europe

Trends and uncertainties in budburst projections of Norway spruce in Northern Europe




Abstract Budburst is regulated by temperature conditions, and a warming climate is associated with earlier budburst. A range of phenology models has been developed to assess climate change effects, and they tend to produce different results. This is mainly caused by different model representations of tree physiology processes, selection of observational data for model parameterization, and selection of climate model data to generate future projections. In this study, we applied (i) Bayesian inference to estimate model parameter values to address uncertainties associated with selection of observational data, (ii) selection of climate model data representative of a larger dataset, and (iii) ensembles modeling over multiple initial conditions, model classes, model parameterizations, and boundary conditions to generate future projections and uncertainty estimates. The ensemble projection indicated that the budburst of Norway spruce in northern Europe will on average take place 10.2 ???± 3.7 days earlier in 2051?¢????2080 than in 1971?¢????2000, given climate conditions corresponding to RCP 8.5. Three provenances were assessed separately (one early and two late), and the projections indicated that the relationship among provenance will remain also in a warmer climate. Structurally complex models were more likely to fail predicting budburst for some combinations of site and year than simple models. However, they contributed to the overall picture of current understanding of climate impacts on tree phenology by capturing additional aspects of temperature response, for example, chilling. Model parameterizations based on single sites were more likely to result in model failure than parameterizations based on multiple sites, highlighting that the model parameterization is sensitive to initial conditions and may not perform well under other climate conditions, whether the change is due to a shift in space or over time. By addressing a range of uncertainties, this study showed that ensemble modeling provides a more robust impact assessment than would a single phenology model run.
机译:摘要芽爆受温度条件的调节,气候变暖与芽初期的爆发有关。已经开发了一系列物候模型来评估气候变化的影响,并且它们往往会产生不同的结果。这主要是由于树木生理过程的不同模型表示,选择用于模型参数化的观测数据以及选择气候模型数据以生成未来预测而引起的。在这项研究中,我们应用(i)贝叶斯推断来估计模型参数值,以解决与观测数据选择相关的不确定性;(ii)选择代表较大数据集的气候模型数据,以及(iii)集合多个初始条件下的模型,模型类,模型参数化和边界条件,以生成未来的预测和不确定性估计。整体投影表明,在相应的气候条件下,挪威云杉在北欧的发芽时间比1971年和2000年平均要晚于2051年的10.2±3.7天(2080年)比1971年的2000年更早。符合RCP 8.5。分别评估了三个出处(一早和两晚),这些预测表明,在温暖的气候下,出处之间的关系也将保持不变。与简单模型相比,结构复杂的模型更可能无法预测站点和年份的某些组合的爆发。但是,它们通过捕获温度响应的其他方面(例如冷害),为当前了解气候对树木物候的影响的总体状况做出了贡献。与基于多个站点的参数化相比,基于单个站点的模型参数化更可能导致模型失败,这突出表明,模型参数化对初始条件敏感,并且在其他气候条件下,不管变化是否是由于气候变化引起的,都可能效果不佳。空间或时间的推移。通过解决一系列不确定性,这项研究表明,集成模型提供了比单个物候模型更强大的影响评估。



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