首页> 外文期刊>Ecology and Evolution >A limit on the extent to which increased egg size can compensate for a poor postnatal environment revealed experimentally in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides

A limit on the extent to which increased egg size can compensate for a poor postnatal environment revealed experimentally in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides

机译:在埋藏的甲虫Nicrophorus vespilloides实验中发现,增加鸡蛋大小可以弥补不良的出生后环境的程度受到限制



Abstract It is often assumed that there is a positive relationship between egg size and offspring fitness. However, recent studies have suggested that egg size has a greater effect on offspring fitness in low-quality environments than in high-quality environments. Such observations suggest that mothers may compensate for poor posthatching environments by increasing egg size. In this paper we test whether there is a limit on the extent to which increased egg size can compensate for the removal of posthatching parental care in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides . Previous experiments with N. vespilloides suggest that an increased egg size can compensate for a relatively poor environment after hatching. Here, we phenotypically engineered female N. vespilloides to produce large or small eggs by varying the amount of time they were allowed to feed on the carcass as larvae. We then tested whether differences between these groups in egg size translated into differences in larval performance in a harsh postnatal environment that excluded parental care. We found that females engineered to produce large eggs did not have higher breeding success, and nor did they produce larger larvae than females engineered to produce small eggs. These results suggest that there is a limit on the extent to which increased maternal investment in egg size can compensate for a poor posthatching environment. We discuss the implication of our results for a recent study showing that experimental N. vespilloides populations can adapt rapidly to the absence of posthatching parental care.
机译:摘要人们通常认为蛋大小与后代适应度之间存在正相关关系。但是,最近的研究表明,蛋质大小在低质量环境中对后代适应性的影响大于在高质量环境中。这些观察结果表明,母亲可以通过增加卵的大小来弥补孵化后恶劣的环境。在本文中,我们测试了在埋藏的甲虫Nicrophorus vespilloides中,增加卵子大小是否可以补偿孵化后的父母关怀的消除是否存在限制。以前用猪瘟猪笼草进行的实验表明,增加卵的大小可以弥补孵化后相对较差的环境。在这里,我们对雌性猪瘟猪笼草进行表型改造,通过改变允许它们作为幼虫以feed体为食的时间来生产大卵或小卵。然后,我们测试了在排除父母护理的恶劣产后环境中,这两组鸡蛋大小的差异是否转化为幼虫性能的差异。我们发现,专为生产大卵而设计的雌性没有更高的繁殖成功率,也没有比专为生产小卵而制造的雌性产生更大的幼虫。这些结果表明,增加产妇对蛋大小的投资可以弥补不良孵化后环境的程度是有限的。我们讨论了我们的结果对最近一项研究的影响,该研究表明实验性猪瘟猪笼草种群可以迅速适应孵化后父母监护的缺乏。


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