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Maya and WRB Soil Classification in Yucatan, Mexico: Differences and Similarities




Soils of the municipality of Hocabá, Yucatán, México, were identified according to both Mayan farmers’ knowledge and the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB). To identify Maya soil classes, field descriptions made by farmers and semistructured interviews were utilized. WRB soils were identified by describing soil profiles and analyzing samples in the laboratory. Mayan farmers identified soils based on topographic position and surface properties such as colour and amount of rock fragments and outcrops. Farmers distinguished two main groups of soils: K'ankab or soils of plains and Boxlu’um or soils of mounds. K'ankab is a group of red soils with two variants (K'ankab and Haylu’um), whereas Boxlu’um is a group of dark soils with five variants (Tsek'el, Ch'ich'lu’um, Chaltun, Puslu’um, and Ch'och'ol). Soils on the plains were identified as Leptosoils, Cambisols, and Luvisols. Soils identified in mounds were Leptosols and Calcisols. Many soils identified by farmers could be more than one WRB unit of soil and vice versa; in these cases no direct relationship between both classification systems was possible. Mayan and WRB soil types are complementary; they should be used together to improve regional soil classifications, help transference of agricultural technologies, and make soil management decisions.
机译:根据玛雅农民的知识和世界土壤资源参考库(WRB),对墨西哥尤卡坦州Hocabá市的土壤进行了鉴定。为了确定玛雅人的土壤类别,利用了农民的实地描述和半结构化访谈。通过描述土壤概况并在实验室中分析样品来鉴定WRB土壤。玛雅农民根据地形位置和表面特性(例如岩石碎片和露头的颜色,数量)识别土壤。农民将土壤分为两大类:K'ankab或平原土壤和Boxlu'um或土丘土壤。坎卡布(K'ankab)是一组具有两种变体的红色土壤(K'ankab和Haylu'um),而Boxlu'um是一组具有五种变体的黑暗土壤(Tsek'el,Ch'ich'lu'um,Chaltun, Puslu'um和Ch'och'ol)。平原上的土壤被鉴定为Leptosoils,Cambisols和Luvisols。在土丘中鉴定出的土壤是细小溶胶和钙化溶胶。农民确定的许多土壤可能是一个以上的WRB土壤单位,反之亦然;在这些情况下,两个分类系统之间可能没有直接关系。玛雅和WRB土壤类型是互补的;应将它们一起使用以改善区域土壤分类,帮助农业技术转让并做出土壤管理决策。



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