首页> 外文期刊>ISRN Soil Science >Luxury Uptake and Removal of Phosphorus from Water Column by Representative Aquatic Plants and Its Implication for Wetland Management

Luxury Uptake and Removal of Phosphorus from Water Column by Representative Aquatic Plants and Its Implication for Wetland Management




Aquatic plants with their high relative growth rates efficiently absorb nutrients from their surrounding media, thereby providing a simple and inexpensive solution for nutrient-polluted aquifers. The present study determined the P accumulation efficiencies of four different aquatic plants namely, Eleocharis plantaginea, Eichhornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes, and Hydrilla verticillata from the 6043 ha Kabar Wetland (86°05′ E to 86°09′ E, 25°30′ N to 25°32′ N). The aim of the study was to select the most efficient P accumulator. Water, sediment, and plant samples from Kabar were monthly analyzed for P content for 13 months from July 2009 to July 2010. Pistia stratiotes L. accumulated the highest amount of tissue P (1.06±0.22 mg/g dw). The maximum capacity of luxury uptake of P under greenhouse conditions as exhibited by Pistia was further tested. Pistia individuals tolerated up to 50 mg/L phosphate medium and accumulated 6.12±0.95 mg/g dw P after 35 days under greenhouse conditions. Up to 91% phosphate was removed from the surrounding medium within 60 days at 50 mg/L supply. Tissue P levels increased with increasing phosphate levels in the surrounding media but variation with incubation period was statistically insignificant. Our studies present Pistia as more efficient than other common wetland species like Eichhornia, Phragmites, Typha, and so forth when grown in the sub-tropics and confirm its ability to ameliorate P-polluted subtropical wetlands.
机译:相对生长速率高的水生植物可以有效地从周围的介质中吸收养分,从而为养分污染的含水层提供了一种简单而廉价的解决方案。本研究确定了来自6043 ha卡巴尔湿地(86°05′E至86°09′E,86°09′,25°30′)的四种不同水生植物的磷积累效率,即Eleocharis plantaginea,Eichhornia crassipes,Pistia stratiotes和Hydrilla verticillata。 N至25°32′N)。该研究的目的是选择最有效的P蓄能器。从2009年7月至2010年7月,对来自Kabar的水,沉积物和植物样品的P含量进行了每月13个月的分析。如Pistia所展示的,在温室条件下奢侈地吸收P的最大能力被进一步测试。在温室条件下35天后,Pistia个体耐受的磷培养基高达50μmg/ L,累积P为6.12±0.95μmg/ gddw。在60天内以50µmg / L的供给量从周围介质中去除了多达91%的磷酸盐。组织P的水平随周围培养基中磷酸盐水平的增加而增加,但随潜伏期的变化在统计学上不显着。我们的研究表明,在亚热带地区生长时,Pistia比其他常见的湿地物种(例如凤眼莲,芦苇,香蒲等)更有效,并证实了其改善P污染的亚热带湿地的能力。



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