首页> 外文期刊>Italian journal of animal science >Faba bean ( Vicia faba minor)and pea seeds ( Pisum sativum ) as protein sources in lactating ewes’ diets.

Faba bean ( Vicia faba minor)and pea seeds ( Pisum sativum ) as protein sources in lactating ewes’ diets.




Abstract 18 Massese lactating ewes, divided into 3 homogeneous groups for parity and milk yield, were used to evaluate the replacement effects of soybean meal by Faba bean ( Vicia faba minor) and Pea ( Pisum sativum ) seeds. During a 70 days trial (beginning after weaning: 30±1.5 days after lambing) animals were fed three isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets. Each diet was characterised by the presence of only one protein feed. The diets consisted of alfalfa hay (1.1 kg/head/d) and a decreasing amount of mixed feed (from 1.1 to 0.7 kg/head/d) to fit animals’ requirements. Milk yield, milk chemical composition, animals live weight and BCS, health state and hematochemical parameters were regularly monitored. No diets palatability problems were detected. No significant differences resulted for live weight, BCS, milk yield and milk chemical composition, except for milk protein: higher for faba bean (6.54%) and soybean (6.39%) respect pea (5.66%) diets, P<0.05. No differences resulted for blood parameters too and no clinical signs of illness were observed. Therefore faba bean and pea seeds seem to be able to replace the soybean well.
机译:摘要以18头马来酸乳母羊为研究对象,将其分为胎次和产奶三个均等组,以评价蚕豆对蚕豆(豌豆)和豌豆(Pisum sativum)种子的替代效果。在为期70天的试验中(断奶后开始:产羔后30±1.5天),给动物喂了三种等氮和等热量的饮食。每种饮食的特征是仅存在一种蛋白质饲料。这些日粮由苜蓿干草(1.1千克/头/天)和减少的混合饲料(从1.1千克/头/天/天)组成,以满足动物的需求。定期监测牛奶产量,牛奶化学成分,动物活重和BCS,健康状况和血液化学参数。没有发现饮食适口性问题。除乳蛋白外,活体重,BCS,乳产量和乳化学成分均无显着差异:蚕豆(6.54%)和大豆(6.39%)相对于豌豆(5.66%)日粮更高,P <0.05。血液参数也没有差异,也没有观察到临床症状。因此,蚕豆和豌豆种子似乎能够很好地替代大豆。



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