首页> 外文期刊>Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Medicine >Gross and histopathological study on common carp Cyprinus carpio L. diseases in rearing culturing ponds in Kirkuk Province – Iraq

Gross and histopathological study on common carp Cyprinus carpio L. diseases in rearing culturing ponds in Kirkuk Province – Iraq




The present study aimed to investigate the infection ratio and pathological lesions in common carp fish in Kirkuk province. To achieve these goals, a survey study was conducted from 01/12/2015 to 01/04/2016. Results of the survey study showed that the infection ratio of acidity and alkalinity of pond’s water 27.88% (46/165), bacterial kidney infection 20% (33/165), water mold (saprolegniasis) 12.12% (20/165), spring viremia of common carp 11.52% (19/165), Coccidiosis 11.52% (19/165), fungal gill rot infection 7.27% (12/165), hemorrhagic septicemia 6.67% (11/165) and enteric parasite infection 3.03% (3/165). The pathological study showed that lesions in acidic and alkaline of pond’s water consisted from necrosis with sloughing of scales and intestinal mucinous degeneration as well as necrosis of intestinal villi. In bacterial kidney infection lesion consisted of diphtheric membrane covering abdominal cavity and presence of microorganisms in renal cortex and medulla. In Saprolegnia sp. infection the pathognomic lesions were recorded which consisted of fungal hyphae extended from fish body into water. In spring, viremia of common carp lesions consist from exophthalmia and pinpoint hemorrhage on the fish body with presence of pseudodiphtheric membrane associated with hemorrhagic exudate as well as extensive necrosis of intestinal villi. In Eimeria sp. infection lesions were composed from presence of infective stages of coccidian parasites in enterocytes. In fungal gill rot infection the mosaic appearance lesion was observed consisted from necrotic area (white color) and health area (red color). In hemorrhagic septicemia infection lesions consisted from ulcers surrounded by areas of hyperemia with extensive necrosis of intestinal lining. In enteric parasites infection we noted the presence of large numbers of worms in intestinal lumen, also there is nodule in intestinal mucosa contain nematods of 2 cm in length, in other cases there is presence of worms inserted in intestinal mucosa of 30 cm length covered with fibrous membrane. It concluded from this study that the infection ratio with different diseases in common carp varied in compared with other countries and depends upon changes in climate and breeding habits as well as the gross and microscopic lesions are identical to that recorded worldwide.
机译:本研究旨在调查基尔库克省鲤鱼的感染率和病理损害。为了实现这些目标,从2015年1月12日至2016年4月1日进行了一项调查研究。调查结果表明,春季池塘水的酸碱度感染率为27.88%(46/165),细菌性肾脏感染率为20%(33/165),水霉菌(腐烂症)为12.12%(20/165),春季鲤鱼病毒血症11.52%(19/165),球虫病11.52%(19/165),真菌g腐感染7.27%(12/165),出血性败血病6.67%(11/165)和肠寄生虫感染3.03%(3 / 165)。病理研究表明,池塘水的酸性和碱性损伤主要由坏死,鳞片脱落,肠粘液变性以及小肠绒毛坏死组成。在细菌性肾脏感染中,病变由覆盖腹腔的白膜和肾皮质和髓质中的微生物组成。在腐烂藻中。感染后,记录了病理学损害,其中包括从鱼体延伸到水中的真菌菌丝。在春季,鲤鱼常见病害的病毒血症包括眼球突出症和鱼体的明确出血,并伴有伪渗液膜和出血性渗出液以及肠道绒毛广泛性坏死。在Eimeria sp。感染病变由肠上皮细胞中球虫寄生虫的感染阶段组成。在真菌性腐病感染中,观察到马赛克外观病变由坏死区域(白色)和健康区域(红色)组成。在出血性败血病中,感染的病变是由被充血区域包围的溃疡所致,该区域的肠壁广泛坏死。在肠道寄生虫感染中,我们注意到肠腔中存在大量蠕虫,肠粘膜中也存在结节,其中线虫的长度为2 cm,在其他情况下,肠粘膜中存在蠕虫,其长度为30 cm纤维膜。从这项研究得出的结论是,与其他国家相比,鲤鱼不同疾病的感染率有所不同,并且取决于气候和繁殖习性的变化,并且总的和微观的损害与世界范围内记录的相同。



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