首页> 外文期刊>International Soil and Water Conservation Research >Temporal and elevation trends in rainfall erosivity on a 149 km2 watershed in a semi-arid region of the American Southwest

Temporal and elevation trends in rainfall erosivity on a 149 km2 watershed in a semi-arid region of the American Southwest

机译:美国西南半干旱地区149 km2流域降雨侵蚀力的时间和海拔趋势



Abstract Temporal changes in rainfall erosivity can be expected to occur with changing climate, and because rainfall amounts are known to be in part of a function of elevation, erosivity can be expected to be influenced by elevation as well. This is particularly true in mountainous regions such as are found over much of the western United States. The objective of this study was to identify temporal and elevation trends in rainfall erosivity on a 149 km2 (58 miles2) watershed in a semi-arid region of southeastern Arizona. Data from 84 rain gages for the years 1960–2012 at elevations ranging from 1231 to 1644 m (4038–5394 ft) were used in the analyses. The average annual erosivity over the watershed as a whole was 1104 {MJ} mm ha?1 h?1 yr?1 (65 hundreds of foot ton inch acre?1 h?1 yr?1), and ranged from approximately 950 to 1225 {MJ} mm ha?1 h?1 yr?1 (56–72 hundreds of foot ton inch acre?1 h?1 yr?1), with a statistical trend showing greater erosivity at the higher elevations. No statistically significant temporal changes in annual or summer erosivities were found. This result stands in contrast to recent modeling studies of runoff and erosion in the area based on downscaled {GCM} information that project significant levels of erosivity changes over coming decades. These results are consistent with known orographic rainfall effects, but contrast with recent studies that presented projections of significant trends of increasing erosivity in the future based on downscaled {GCM} outputs for the area. The results illustrate the need for testing and developing improved techniques to evaluate future erosion scenarios for purposes of making targeted soil conservation decisions.
机译:摘要预计降雨侵蚀力的时间变化会随着气候变化而发生,并且由于已知降雨量是海拔函数的一部分,因此侵蚀强度也有望受到海拔的影响。在美国西部许多山区等山区尤其如此。这项研究的目的是确定亚利桑那州东南半干旱地区149 km2(58平方英里)流域上降雨侵蚀力的时间和海拔趋势。分析中使用了1960-2012年间海拔在1231至1644 m(4038-5394 ft)范围内的84个雨量计的数据。流域整体的年平均侵蚀度为1104 {MJ} mm ha?1 h?1 yr?1(65百英尺英尺·英寸英亩?1 h?1 yr?1),范围约为950至1225 {MJ} mm ha?1 h?1 yr?1(56-72百英尺英尺·英寸英亩?1 h?1 yr?1),统计趋势显示在更高的海拔高度有更大的侵蚀力。没有发现年度或夏季侵蚀力的统计上显着的时间变化。该结果与最近根据缩小的{GCM}信息对该地区的径流和侵蚀进行的建模研究相反,该信息预测了未来几十年内侵蚀力的显着变化。这些结果与已知的地形降雨效应是一致的,但与最近的研究相反,该研究基于该地区{GCM}输出的缩减,提出了未来侵蚀力增加的重要趋势的预测。结果表明,有必要测试和开发改进的技术来评估未来的侵蚀情况,以便做出有针对性的土壤保护决策。



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